左某,男性,27岁。患左小腿肿物二年余,渐增大伴行走牵涉痛,于1977年4月28号入院。体检:左小腿内侧中上1/3有6×5 cm肿块,质硬、光滑、活动度好,局部有压痛,肿块穿刺提示恶性肿瘤。半月后行左小腿肿瘤扩大切除术。术中所见肿块8×7 cm,位置较深,与周围肌肉广泛粘连。一并切除肿块周围受浸肌肉。病理报告为恶性器官样颗粒细胞肌肉细胞瘤,局部血管被浸润。
Left, male, 27 years old. Suffering from a left lower leg mass for more than two years, she gradually became more involved in pain involving walking. She was admitted to hospital on April 28, 1977. Physical examination: There is a 6×5 cm mass in the upper 1/3 of the medial side of the left calf, which is hard, smooth, and well-moved. There are local tenderness. The mass puncture indicates malignant tumor. Half an month later, an extended resection of the left leg was performed. The lumps that were seen during the operation were 8 x 7 cm deep in position and extensively adhered to the surrounding muscles. The bony muscles around the lump were removed. The pathology report was a malignant organ-like granulocyte cell tumor, in which the local blood vessels were infiltrated.