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记者提问一:北京自然博物馆举办了一个《人之由来》的陈列,我注意到陈列中没有引用恩格斯的语录“劳动创造了人”,请问这是什么原因? 周国兴答一:《人之由来》是讲人类起源的陈列,之所以没有直接引用“劳动创造人”的语录,其主要原因之一是,为了避免给人以错觉,以为“劳动”是从古猿到人演化过程中唯一的因素。其次,“劳动创造了人”这个命题的出现,原是恩格斯打算写一本题为《奴役的三种基本形式》的书,后来因故没有完成,却留下了序言部分。在这篇序言里恩格斯谈到了劳动 Reporter Question 1: The Beijing Museum of Nature held an exhibition entitled “The Origin of Man”. I noticed that there was no citation quoted by Engels in the exhibition as “labor creates man.” What is the reason? Zhou Guoxing replied: “The Origin of Man” One of the main reasons for not quoting the quotation of “labor creator” directly from the exhibition of the origin of human beings is that in order to avoid giving the illusion that “labor” is the only factor from ancient apes to human evolution . Second, the proposition that “labor created man” was originally written by Engels in his book entitled “The Three Basic Forms of Bondage” and was later completed for some reason but left a preamble. Engels spoke of labor in this preface
There is a man at the door there V S A 〔1〕There is a man at the door 〔2〕Is there ice on the lake? 〔3〕There are no children in this house. 〔4〕There have
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在除尘产业不断做大、不断升级的过程中,市场的分工越来越细,中小型企业在这一日益细分的市场中,做精某些技术、产品与服务必将在市场竞争能力中争得一席之地。 In the dust