
来源 :教师之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bambooasu
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春节刚过,本刊编辑部收到数封来自山村中学的来信,教师们在信中述说自己以及学校面临的种种窘状,甚至有一位教师在信中写到:“新学期要到了,这在往年是我最最兴奋的时候,可今年,我却无比沉痛,因为我不得不离开我心爱的学校,去南方求生存了。长期拖欠工资,使我无法面对家人,甚至也无力养活自己,听着老婆的责骂,我再也无法心安理得地在学校待下去了。”山村教育到底生了什么病?我们看到,乡村学校在负债累累中挣扎,而许多在乡村学校任教的老师,其本应获得的利益往往也无所兑现,他们单薄的肩膀承受着传播知识的沉重与悲哀。这是非常可怕的,因为,如果教育在农村出现断裂,不仅会有更多的教师像上述那位教师被迫离开自己的一方热土,会使一个又一个乡村孩子大学梦断,还将阻滞民主与法治在乡村的发展。这,实际上是整个中国文化发展的悲哀。著名学者,农村问题专家秦晖在本刊上期对其的专访中谈到:“所谓的‘义务教育’应该是政府的义务、公民的权利。政府有义务向公民提供免费或廉价的义务教育,而公民则有权利享受这些教育。而现在某些地方关系颠倒过来了:义务教育成了公民的义务、政府的权利。这在农村一些地方表现得尤为明显:一些地方政府向农民征收各种税款,甚至强迫农民自己掏钱来接受政府指定的教育。这显然把义务教育变成了农民的义务。”振聋发聩,发人深省。因此,本栏目临时改变了本期话题。——编者—— After the Spring Festival has just passed, our editorial department has received several letters from Shancun Middle School. Teachers said in the letter and the embarrasses faced by the school. Some teachers even wrote in the letter: “The new semester is coming. This year was the most exciting time in my life, but I was so overwhelmed this year because I had to leave my beloved school and go to the South to survive. Long-term arrears of wages prevented me from facing my family and even unable to feed myself , Listening to my wife’s scolding, I can no longer be calm down in school. ”What is the disease in the village education? We see that rural schools are struggling with debt, and many teachers in rural schools, Often, the benefits that should have been gained have not been met, and their thin shoulders bear the weight and sorrow of spreading knowledge. This is terrible because if education breaks down in the countryside, not only will there be more teachers who, like the teacher above, are forced to leave their hometowns, dream one university after another, and will block Democracy and Rule of Law in Rural Development. This is actually the tragedy of the development of Chinese culture. Renowned scholar and rural expert Qin Hui said in his interview with this issue: “The so-called ’compulsory education’ should be the obligation of the government and the rights of citizens. The government has an obligation to provide citizens free or cheap compulsory education, Citizens, on the other hand, have the right to enjoy these kinds of education, and now the relationship is reversed in some places: compulsory education has become a citizen’s obligation and a government’s right, which has been especially evident in some rural areas: some local governments impose various taxes on farmers And even forcing farmers to pay their own money to accept government-designated education, which obviously turns compulsory education into an obligation of peasants. ” Therefore, this section temporarily changed the current topic. --editor--