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  【Abstract】English in junior high has been an essential part for students since it’s a period toestablish basic English knowledge and skills. It’s necessary for teachers to study English teaching. Interlanguage is an common phenomenon on English study. This article focus on the interlanguage, the fossilization of it and the impacts of interlanguage on the junior high English teaching.
  【Key words】interlanguage; fossilization; English teaching; junior high
  I. Introduction
  With the globalization, English has become an international language to communicate with people around the world. In Sichuan, English is taught as a main course in junior high school, which is the primary stage for students to learn English.
  Almost all linguists acknowledge that learners use interlanguage subconsciously during learning a second language. And it’s unavoidable for L2 learners to step into the stage of fossilization.As teachers, mastering knowledge of interlanguage’s quiet a good way to achieve this goal.
  II. Theory of Interlanguage and Fossilization
  Interlanguage is an vital concept in second language learning. It was first introduced by LarrySelinker in 1972 in his book Interlanguage. He proposed that interlanguage is the systematic knowledge of a second language which is independent of both the learner’s first and second language. That is, interlanguage is a transitive language systematic language from L1 to L2. It’s an dynamic changes in language acquisition.
  As we have noticed, the main elements of interlanguage is L1 and L2. It changes with the processes of learners’ acquisition. However, there’s a common phenomenon called fossilization which refers to the phenomenon that a native speaker who learns a second language will tend to keep in their interlanguage relating to the target language. When learners who have similar language background and learning experiences, no mater what age are learners or how long have they learned it, they are likely to reach fossilized system and they will never reach the level that a normal native speaker have.
  III. The Impact of Interlanguage on English Teaching and Suggestions
  Interlanguage can be influenced by different aspects. It’s necessary for teachers to work out the relations between second language acquisition and fossilization, so teachers can make some methods to lead learners to acquire L2 efficiently in junior high.
  Firstly, correcting the mistransfer of first language should be considered. Junior high is the fundamental period for English learners. Teachers can try to reduce influences of mother tongue. Thus, teachers should firstly teach learners knowledge, or learners will speed up themselves into the stage of fossilization. Most fossilization is caused by mistransfer of first language, which we call it “Chinglish”.   Secondly, the ways to correct learners’ errors are required. Errors are unavoidable, and how to deal are quite important. It’s necessary to find out the errors learners made. However, not all errors need to be correct in class. Some errors sometimes are made just because of some spontaneous habits. At this moment, teachers can leave out them and focus on fluency or other aspects of language.
  Thirdly, linguistic complexity of teaching materials is an essential factor. Skehan (1998:99) believed that linguistic complexity of teaching materials is one of three most important elements that should be taken consideration when the educators design teaching tasks. It is harmful for learners to do the tasks that are too hard or too simple.
  IV. Conclusion
  Interlanguage is a transitional language that learners use it when acquire a second language subconsciously. And fossilization makes educators clear how to put forward the plateau period in learning a second language. To sum up, L2 acquisition in junior high is a complex process, and how to use interlanguage and avoid temporary fossilization are the main tasks that teachers should consider. Thus learners can acquire L2 in a much more efficient way.
  [3]周雅娴.Interlanguage Theory and English Teaching[J].读与写杂志,2009.7,6(7).
  [7]Skehan,R.A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning.Oxford:Oxford University Press.1998.
【摘要】网络世界将学习者置于碎片化的知识海洋中,移动终端也以锐不可当之势走入英语课堂,基于新建构主义的移动微学习将碎片化的知识进行“零存整取”和“重构”,教师和学生共建个性化知识体系,提高高职英语阅读课的教学效果。  【关键词】碎片化 新建构主义 零存整取 阅读  Papert曾说过,当每个人都买得起铅笔时,学习方式将会随之改变。同样,当每个人都拥有一台具有便携、廉价、通信和交互,且具有强大情境感
感言篇  新课程标准的提出与全面推进,教育教学改革的深入开展,需要教师打破老旧的思维方式,更新教育教学理念,创新教育思路,改进教学方法,以人为本,发展出适合教师自己的教育教学理念。  生本教育的改革正是这样一个过程。以人为本的教育应致力于人与教育的共同发展。生本教育希望真正把学生视作教育的主体。在生本教学的课堂上,我们见到的不再是常规化的教学模式。我们不但把学習还给学生,更要把核心性的学习还给学生
【摘要】毫无疑问,中国社会在形态上已经进入信息化时代。教育信息化已成为“互联网 ” 时代的新趋势,在互联网时代,学生通过互联网学习丰富的在线课程,互联网尤其是移动互联网催生“翻转课堂式”教学模式,本文将适用于实践技能教学的PBL(Project-based Learning)和当前新兴的教学模式——翻转课堂(Flipped Classroom)进行有机整合后,将其引入到高职英语口语教学中,从课
【摘要】本文从理论的角度来阐述了课堂观察的概念,从教学理论和实践的基础上分析了传统英语教学听评课存在的问题。基于这两点,笔者从实际操作的角度全面分析了课堂观察在英语教学听评课中的应用。  【关键词】课堂观察 英语教学 听评课 应用研究  课堂观察兴起于西方,它经历了三个阶段的发展和完善,而我国直至20世纪90年代才开始对这一方面的内容进行研究。到了21世纪,随着国外研究成果的引进和我国教育教学的改
【摘要】写作是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,在高考英语教学中比重比较大。书面表达能力的培养和提高是高中英语教学的重点。目前,高中英语写作教学的现存问题表明高中英语写作教学现状令人担忧,没有达到高中英语课程标准要求。本文就此探讨了以读促写方式在高中英语写作教学中的应用策略。  【关键词】高中英语 写作教学 以读促写 应用  高中英语写作是课堂教学的重要内容之一,它在一定程度上反映了学生的英语综合运用能
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【摘要】英语教学中培养学生的口语交际能力是时代对英语教学的基本要求。我们现阶段对学生偏重于书面知识教学,对英语口语并不十分重视,特别是在中学阶段,由于升学压力,学生埋头做题,学的都是“哑巴英语”,再加之东西方文化差异极大,学生除了能认得课本上的单词和句子,几乎和外国人无法交流。因此,探讨初中生英语口语学习存在的障碍并分析原因,找出相应对策,改变英语口语教学现状,是当前英语教学的首要任务。  【关键
【摘要】点读笔是辅助英语教学的一种学习工具,不管是在教师教学方面,还是在学生学习方面,都起着很重要的作用。在课堂上帮助教师把知识灌输给学生,在课外学生可自行利用点读笔阅读课外书,完成自我复习,巩固知识,是一种很有用的学习工具。  【关键词】点读笔 教师教学 学生学习 课例研究 使用价值  小学英语教学的目的就是要让学生乐学,爱学,好学,所以小学英语课堂应创设出一种宽松,愉悦的教学环境,培养和发展学
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