The Application of Mother Language in the Primary School English Teaching

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  Key words: mother language; primary school English teaching; application
  I. The introduction
  English, as a tool of international communication and the media of information transmission, is becoming more and more important. Realizing its importance, many countries set the English course. English lesson is given in Chinese primary schools. As a foreign language, English is completely new for the Chinese pupils. Therefore, how to help them study it well is a big task placed in front of every English teacher. As we know that language learners will be affected by their mother tongue, so, should we make full use of our mother language to help the pupils to learn this foreign language? This thesis tries to talk about this problem.
  II.Different opinions on the use of mother language in English teaching
  As for the application of mother language in foreign language teaching, wide and intensive discussion always exist in the field of foreign language teaching. Generally speaking, two viewpoints exist: pros and cons.
  The viewpoint that objects to use mother language in foreign language and study formed along with the appearance of Direct Method at the beginning of last century. Direct Method emphasizes that we should do communication, reading and conversation just through the foreign language itself to put foreign language into full use, and it clearly put forward that we should not use the students’ mother tongue in the foreign language teaching, nor the translation and formal grammar. Direct Method is not as popular as before, but the influence is very wide. In the 1960s, Communication Approach appeared at the stage of foreign language teaching. Communication Approach says that the students’ communicative ability is the goal of foreign language teaching. It objects to the teaching method which is based on the grammar, and also it discards the teaching method based on listening and speaking. Its important characteristic is that learning the foreign language through the foreign language itself. It maintains to teach the students the different functions of languages, the methods of using languages, and so on. Many scholars object to use the mother language in English teaching, such as Grover and Walters, in their book of A teaching Practice Handbook, they warn the people not to use the mother tongue indiscriminately.1 In some teaching works called as “humanistic”, such as Caring and Sharing in the Foreign Language Classroom written by Muscovite and Teaching English a Way and Ways written by Strike,2 the same idea that mother language shouldn’t be used in the language classroom, is also held.
  The viewpoint that we should draw support from our mother tongue in foreign language teaching mainly based on two facts. First, practice shows that mother language is the medium for a student to master a foreign language. “Most students learn a foreign language on the basis of that they are familiar with and what they have mastered.”3 When they start to learn English, they always understand English through their mother language. That’s to say, only when the mother language is the bridge, the foreign language and thought can work together. For example, if the beginners want to speak English, they always think what they want to say in their native language, and then translate it into English. Only by their repeated practice, the students can reach the automation-thinking in English. Second, the result of psychology research shows that only when the direct contact among words, word groups and concepts is established, thinking completely in foreign language can be reached. The viewpoint that we should draw support from the mother language in the foreign language teaching mainly comes from the research on psychology, and also on which three teaching methods are based. The first one is Grammar Translation Method. By this method, the teacher explains the complex grammar rules and the isolated words which are divorced from the context. Teaching material takes the text as its main body. The second one is Contrastive Method; it means the students contrast their mother language and the foreign language in the process of learning. The last one is Cognitive Method. It advocates that the mother tongue is allowed to be used.
  III. The language transfer and the children’s psychological condition
  Since there exists so many different opinions on the use of mother language in English teaching, is it necessary to adopt the mother language in primary school English teaching? The author holds that it is. From the language transfer and the children’s psychological condition, the necessity of using mother language in the primary school English teaching is analyzed.
  A. The language transfer
  The function of mother language in English teaching is called language transfer.4In other word, the knowledge or structure of Chinese transfer toward English teaching and learning. “As a conception of cognitive psychology,transfer refers that the early learning is affected by past knowledge. It can be divided into two parts: positive transfer and negative transfer. If the existing knowledge has good influence on the learning knowledge, we call it the positive transfer; otherwise, it’s the negative transfer.”5
  In the English teaching, when students communicate in English, they are always influenced by mother tongue, or they try to express their thoughts by the use of mother tongue, which is self-evident. “Just as a good comparison made by Betaken, a German professor on English teaching method: “Mother tongue is not a coat. The learner can’t take it off before he goes into the foreign language classroom, and leave it outside the classroom.”6 In the daily English teaching, when our mother language has the same form of expression with English, it will promote the students’ English learning, and then the students will not only learn English more relaxed, but also remember it more easily.
  A psychologist Ausubol mentioned: Any meaningful study should base on the former study process, it must include transfer. In China, student’s English-learning depends on mother language. Despite the negative transfer, positive transfer exists widely. It includes the following aspects.
  1. Phonetic:“There are great similarities in Chinese and English, especially the pronouncing rules”.7 In Chinese, for example, the character “青”, it consists of Horizontal and Vertical, it’s pinyin is /qing/, while in English, such as: “Park”, it consists of the alphabets: p a r k, the phonetic symbol is /pa: k/. The English alphabets like the Chinese stroke and the phonetic symbol like the pinyin.
  2. Vocabulary: It’s convenient and efficient to memorize new words, if English teachers explain the words’ meaning in Chinese when students have difficulty in distinguishing them. such as: respectable-人格高尚的 值得尊重的, respectful-有礼貌的 尊重他人的,and respective-各自的. It’s easier for students to understand and master them.
  3. Grammar: There are some similar sentence patterns in English and Chinese, for example, “I study English.”(我学英语). This sentence has the same structure as the Chinese: “Subject + Predicate + Object”. Students could understand it completely and quickly, if we find the similarities between English and Chinese.
  B. Children’s Psychological Condition
  Children’s good memory, strong imitation ability decides the primary school is a “golden age” of developing language ability. How to develop their language ability? In my opinion, we should start with interest; motivate them to learn English actively. Then, teachers should find excellent learning environment for children to learn more, to strengthen their impressions of English words or sentences. In primary school, students will be limited by finite vocabulary and short concentrating time. Thus, it will be more difficult for teachers to ask students to guess and understand some English, especially the abstract words and grammar. Moreover, if students can’t follow their teachers for a long time, they will feel tired and bored, and start to lose interest and confidence in learning. At the same time, it’s not a secret that junior learners fear to speak English, they worry about their pronunciation and grammar. This kind of psychology is negative. It affects students seriously and makes the teaching results inefficient. So, it’s easy to say adopting mother language correctly in English teaching and learning will increase the teaching efficiency. For instance, when teachers are explaining some abstract nouns, such as: friendship, excuse and science, English teachers will be tired and waste much time if they explain them in English. Since some mother language rooted in Chinese students, the teachers could use some Chinese to assist their teaching activities, by doing so, students can not only understand clearly, but also they will have deep impression at the same time.
   We should always arouse students’ interest in language teaching. However, we can not adopt only several joyful-singing and game for a long time, the reason is that students’ interest will be lost quickly when these kinds of ways are not fresh. Therefore, singing and playing games should be considered as additional ways to improve students’ language abilities instead of cultivating their interest. But, if we use mother language at the proper time, the learners can understand and remember the new knowledge quickly, which in turn makes the young learners more confident and interested in learning.
  IV.The application of mother tongue in primary school English teaching
  As we have discussed in part III, the positive transfer of language plays a facilitative role in English learning, and the children’s psychological characteristic determines their way of learning, the author thinks that the application of mother language in primary school English teaching is necessary.
   In English teaching and learning, mother language has more or less certain effects on the study of words, phrases, grammar or sentences. Thus, there are some similarities between English language and mother language. “The fundamental point is that English learning usually bases on their mother language firmly. Mother language always has more or less effects on English learning objectively.”8
   It will be very effective to apply the mother tongue to English learning, especially to the lower class students. The English teaching can be carried out with the help of the mother language. Whether the teacher allows and advocates this kind of translating or not, students will unconsciously explain and understand the target language with the help of mother language. The reason why they can’t get rid of the role of mother tongue is that some contents are difficult to understand without the mothert Language, especially, limited by the cultural difference.
  Here are some examples about the mother tongue affecting English teaching. When students learn the word “legislate”, they know the meaning of this word is“ 立法 ”, but they have
  difficult in memorizing. At this time, we can divide it into three parts: leg-is-late, these three words are the ones that students have learned, and their meanings in Chinese are: 退,是,迟. We can apply mother language to help us remember the word “legislate”, it goes like this: 为腿(leg)立法,总是(is)太迟(late). In this way, we can promote students’ interest in memorizing and pronouncing English vocabularies, and the effect of study will be much better.
  From the above discussion, we can find that the application of mother language in primary school English teaching is helpful and necessary, and it is unacceptable to avoid and expel the use of mother language.
  By analyzing the positive transfer of language and the children’s psychological characteristic, this thesis mainly talks about the positive affect of mother language in English teaching. However, this thesis only discusses about the adoption of mother language in primary school English teaching, will it really work in the natural language classroom? If it really works, can mother tongue be used in middle school language teaching? All these problems need to be solved in the further study.
  1 Atkinson, D. 1987. The Mother Tongue in the Classroom; A Neglected Resource? ELT Journal 41/4.
  2 Hardboard, John. 1992. The Use of the Mother Tongue in the Classroom, ELT Journal 46/4.
  3 Krashen, S.1981. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamum.
  4 Swan, M, 1985.A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach. ELT Journal 38/1, 2-39/2.
  5 郭铭华,2002,论母语在外语教学中的作用,外语与外语教学
  6 孔凡富 王栋,山东外语教学,1996年第2期。
  7 熊 伟,2004,试析母语在外语教学中的作用,辽宁师专学报
  10 中华少年英才网
  11 中国儿童教育网
摘要:语言是情感的载体,情感是语言的灵魂。对于教师来说,语言既是工具,又是艺术。教师必须做到:言之有物,言之有序,言之有情。因此,教师在教育教学过程中如何选择语言表达方式,反映着教师能力水平。  关键词:有的放矢;赞扬;批评;幽默;宽容;真诚     语言表达是班主任能力结构中重要的因素之一,也是直接影响教育效果的一个重要条件。班主任应当是语言艺术的专家,教师所要求的语言要准确、明了、简练、通俗、
摘要:本文就自己的几年来从事信息技术教学的体会和经验,谈谈在培养学生的信息素养过程中如何培养同学们获取信息、处理信息、利用信息、协作意识和交流信息的能力,以及如何创设好的学习环境、如何推行问题式教学模式、如何充分发挥学生的主体性和创新性、如何理论联系实际等来培养同学们的创新能力。  关键词:动手能力;信息素养;创新能力的培养     在知识经济和信息化时代,信息素养已成为科学素养的重要基础,同时也
摘要:信息技术与课程整合是教育发展的客观要求,它的实施有非常重要的现实意义。要实现信息技术与课程的有效整合,应该分析结合各门学科的特点、建构新型教学模式,更新教师教育理念、加强教师信息素养,运用“学教并重”的教学设计理论、进行课程整合的教学设计、重视和加强对信息技术与学科教学整合的评价及管理等几个方面的实施。  关键词:信息技术;课程整合;信息技术与课程整合    信息技术与课程整合,不但有利于弥
我校是一所城镇结合部中学,学生生源参差不齐。学生也因为种种原因引起学习困难。来自家庭学校社会的因素归结如下。    一.家庭因素    (一)家庭残缺  残缺家庭是指核心家庭中父母离婚、分居或一方死亡、出走等原因造成家庭成员不全的家庭。研究结果发现离异家庭的学生表现出更多的焦虑、自卑、孤僻、冷漠、畏缩、敌对等消极情绪。研究表明,不和谐的家庭比残缺家庭对他们心理发展的消极影响更大,尤其是父母的长期分
学校体育教学的任务,不仅仅是促进学生身体健康发展,提高身体素质,同时也肩负着对学生进行思想品德教育的任务。体育与德育在教育活动中是相互渗透、相互影响的,它们是一个有机的整体,是不可分割的,因此我们在体育教学过程中也要贯彻德育教育。    一、结合体育教材的内容特点,对学生进行德育教育    德育是教师有目的地培养学生品德的活动,我国的德育大致包括三个组成部分:道德品质教育,政治教育,思想教育、其中
建设“和谐高效”课堂,除了建构课堂教学模式以外,更不能忽视课堂教学细节,因为细节也能决定成败。  我们听过这样一堂课,内容是复习代数式。讲课的教师,是一位朝气蓬勃的年轻女教师,她情绪饱满,富有激情,声音清脆响亮。  在梳理完知识点的前提下,便进入了课堂巩固练习的环节。老师拿出练习卷,分四沓发放给每排头一位的同学,让他们依次往后传。学生接到练习卷后,马上就齐刷刷地埋头做起来。老师首先面向全班要求道:
良好的班风是鞭策、鼓励学生自觉、勤奋学习的巨大力量,它对于提高教育质量起着重要作用。下面就如何形成良好的班风、班貌,谈谈自己的意见。    一、实行目标管理是形成良好班风的前提    班级管理要有目标,它的主体目标是要使班集体成为学风正、班风好、积极向上的集体,把学生培养成德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的合格学生。 针对这一目标,要根据不同年级的学生心理特点和教学任务,进行一系列的教育。如初中一年级,
随着就业制度改革的不断深化,大学生拥有了更多的择业自主权和择业机会,同时也在择业中遇到了更多的困难和挫折。择业挫折对大学生生理、心理、行为都会产生直接影响,对顺利择业不利。如何正确认识择业挫折、应对择业挫折,以良好心态参与社会竞争,克服面临的挑战,赢得择业成功,是社会、学校、大学生普遍关心的问题。    一、择业挫折的理解    择业挫折是大学生在择业过程中,遇到无法克服或自以为无法克服的障碍或干
中学口语教学具有重要的社会现实意义,有助于帮助学生实现自我价值。说话是一门艺术,也是一门科学,要经过训练和培养方能掌握。但中学的口语训练要发展为一门系统的课程,还需要长期的摸索。作为起主导作用的老师,我在教学中运用渗透法进行了探索,以下我就四个方面谈谈粗浅的认识。  一、情感渗透  “罗森塔尔效应”体现了教育者对教育对象的高期望值能促进教育对象潜力的发挥。徜若教师能在语言上温和地鼓励学生,尊重学生
一、激烈竞争带来的弊端    1、无法形成合作意识  现代社会需要的是善于合作的人,为社会培养人才的教育,就必须适应社会的需要,培养学生交往合作的能力。现在的中学生,多为独生子女,是每个家庭的中心,正如人们所说的“小皇帝”。在家庭的环境里,培养不出合作意识。在学校中,生活在宿舍、班级、学校的大小集体中,就应该加强这个方面能力的培养。然而,一味地强调学习成绩,缺乏必要的集体活动来培养合作意识;片面的