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1992年8月10日至13日,国务院经贸办、国家教委和中科院在北京联合召开了第一届产学研联合开发工作会议。上述三个系统以及其他有关部门的320多位代表出席了会议。会议的中心议题是动员并部署产学研联合开发工程,交流经验信息。经过讨论,代表们在许多方面达成了共识。一、政府的计划和作用当代经济和科技的发展促使产业界和学术界的交流与合作日渐密切,甚至不可分离。高技术产业就是二者结合的产物。由于认识到科技对经济竞争力和综合国力的重大作用,许多发达国家都由政府出面组织、推动或参与产学合作,形成所谓的产学官三位一体的经济发展战略。我国改革开放十年来,虽然一批科技企业和新技术开发区相继涌现,但是作为中国经济主体的大中型 August 10, 1992 to 13, the State Council Trade Office, the State Education Commission and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing jointly held the first session of the joint production and research conference. Over 320 representatives from the above three systems and other relevant departments attended the meeting. The central theme of the conference is to mobilize and deploy joint research and development projects of industry, academia and research to exchange experience information. After discussion, representatives reached consensus in many aspects. I. Government's Plan and Function The development of the contemporary economy and science and technology has led to the close and even inseparable exchanges and cooperation between industry and academia. High-tech industry is a combination of the two products. In recognition of the important role that science and technology play in economic competitiveness and comprehensive national strength, many developed countries have come forward by the government to organize, promote or participate in industry-university cooperation so as to form a so-called trinity economic development strategy. In the ten years of China's reform and opening up, although a batch of hi-tech enterprises and new technology development zones have emerged, as the large and medium-sized
The microwaves were used to stimulate the decomposition process of pyrolusite under air atmosphere. It was shown that the overall rate of the process was signif
一、知识的特性 知识是人们在改造世界的实践中所获得的认识和经验之总和,是人脑的产物。它包括自然科学、社会科学和哲学的一切成果,属于人类的认识范畴。 如果把知识作为
目的 :研究P 选择素和nm2 3 基因蛋白在食管鳞癌中的表达及其意义。方法 :以手术切除食管癌标本做病理组织切片 ,采用免疫组织化学染色 ,对整张切片中血管和细胞核、细胞浆或