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今年上海市高中语文会考试题的特点是什么?我们的回答是:在考核要求层次上力求做到难易适度,在考核命题内容上力求做到疏密适度,在考核题型设计上力求做到平曲适度,使试题达到鉴定高中二年级语文合格水平、确认学业质量的目的。一、在考核水平上做到难易适度,尽量面向大多数考生应掌握、具备的语文基础知识、基本能力,其合格标准是学科教学大纲,而众所共睹的教育现状又必须正视。我们认为,命题中把大纲要求落实到具体的知识点和各种能力的测试上有一定程度的弹性,因此,命题工作应该努力对试题进行调节,以求难易适度。 What are the characteristics of this year’s Shanghai High School Chinese Examination Exam? Our answer is: At the level of assessment requirements, we will strive to achieve a moderate degree of difficulty. We will strive to achieve a close and appropriate degree in the content of the examination proposition, and strive to achieve Appropriate leveling, so that the test to achieve the second grade of high school to identify the level of qualification, to confirm the purpose of academic quality. First, in the assessment level to achieve a moderate degree of difficulty, as much as possible for most candidates should have mastered, have the basic knowledge of language, basic capabilities, and its eligibility criteria is the subject of teaching syllabus, but all public education must be faced with the status quo. We believe that the proposition has a certain degree of flexibility in the implementation of the outline requirements into specific knowledge points and tests of various abilities. Therefore, the proposition work should strive to adjust the test questions so as to make it easier and more moderate.
关于文章如何作,自从跨进校门以来,受到的训导,数不胜数。但似乎每次上作文课,提起笔来,总是产生一种无话可说的感觉,纵使勉强落笔,也是言不由衷。 Regarding how the arti
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