
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suyu_001
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盐池,这个山区县、“老区”县,这个全区有名的穷县,今年年初被确定为自治区首批普教、职教、成人教育三教统筹实验区。宁夏有那么多比较富庶的川区县,为什么偏偏选了盐池,其中很重要的一个理由是盐池县委、政府视教育为治穷的根本,十分重视教育,县委书记吴学廷简直是个“教育迷”。 说到吴学廷,有几个镜头给盐池人留下了深刻印象。 镜头之一:1985年6月,吴学廷检查工作到了后洼乡李塬畔村(解放前盐池县委所在地),抽时间去看学校,眼前的情景令他吃惊:学生们在阴暗潮湿的窑洞上课!他是前不久才从中宁调来的,听 Yanchi, this mountain county and “old district” county, a well-known poor county in the entire region, was identified as the first batch of three educational development experimental areas for general education, vocational education and adult education at the beginning of this year. In Ningxia, there are so many rich Sichuan districts. Why did you choose Yanchi, one of the most important reasons is that Yanchi county party committee and government regard education as the fundamental for poverty control and attaches great importance to education. County Party Secretary Wu Xueting is simply an “educational fan”. Speaking of Wu Xueting, several shots left a deep impression on Yanchi. One of the shots: In June 1985, Wu Xueting’s inspection work went to the Lijingpan Village in Houzhu Township (where Yanchi County Party Committee was located before liberation) and took time out to see the school. The immediate situation surprised him: Students were taking lessons in the dark and moist caves! He was only transferred from Zhongning not long ago.
5月11—12日,全区巩固提高普及初等教育成果座谈会在吴忠市召开,各级教育部门的代表约30人参加了座谈会。 自1984年以来,全区已有10个农村县、市、区和5个城市区经验收基本
I still remember clearly my first English lessons some 50 years ago when I was a pupil at a primary school in Shanghai. Everything in the class attracted me gr
I. In each question, decide which of the four choices given win most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choices in the AN