
来源 :四川政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felixzhu2005
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近几年,我省各级政府为解决教职工住房问题作了较大努力,新建了不少教职工住房,教职工居住条件有所改善。但是,由于我省教职工队伍大、住房欠帐多、教职工住房建设远不能满足教育事业发展和教职工住房的基本需求,教职工住房难的问题已成为影响教职工队伍稳定、影响教育事业发展的突出问题,对此必须采取有力措施,尽快予以解决。根据今年全国教育工作会议和全省教育工作会议精神,结合我省实际,现就解决我省教职工住房问题通知如下:一、认清形势,加强对解决教职工住房问题的领导目前,全省地方教育部门各类学校教职工95.4万人,带眷家庭总人口170万人,家庭人均居住面积6.7平方米,低于全省城镇居民平均7.3平方米的水平。教职工中,无房户和特困户尚有8万余户,有2万多名中青年教职工等房结婚、等房生孩子;一些有高级职称的教师长期住房条件得不到应有改善。现有住房整体质量差,成套率低,有相当部分是其他用房改作 In recent years, the governments at all levels in our province have made great efforts to solve the problem of housing for teachers and teachers, built a lot of housing for teachers and staff, and the living conditions of teaching staff have improved. However, due to the large number of faculty and staff in our province, the large amount of housing debt, and the construction of faculty housing can not meet the basic needs of educational development and housing for staff, the problem of difficult housing for faculty and staff has become a problem affecting the stability of the faculty and affecting education. For outstanding problems in development, we must take effective measures to resolve them as soon as possible. According to the spirit of this year’s National Education Work Conference and the province’s education work conference, combined with the reality of our province, the following is a notice to solve the problem of housing problems for teachers in our province: First, recognize the situation and strengthen the leadership to solve the housing problems of teachers and staff. Currently, the province The number of teaching staff in the various local schools of the Ministry of Education was 954,000, and the total population of the family was 1.7 million. The per capita living area of ​​the family was 6.7 square meters, which was lower than the average level of 7.3 square meters of urban residents in the province. There are more than 80,000 faculty and households without housing and poverty-stricken households. There are more than 20,000 middle-aged and young faculty members such as those who marry and have children in their houses. Some teachers with senior titles do not receive due improvement in their long-term housing conditions. . The overall quality of the existing housing is poor, and the rate of completion is low. A considerable part of the housing is converted into other housing.