There are two major differences between the infrared spectra of H2O- and D2O-NaAlSi3O8 (sodium feldspar) glasses and the infrared spectra of anhydrous sodium-feldspar glass. First, there are many differences between the infrared spectra of the glasses that are caused by several O-H stretching vibrations above 3000 cm- 1 band appears, the second is in the water glass infrared spectrum in the vicinity of 900cm-1 appears a spectral shoulder. No frequency shift of the 900 cm-1 spectral shoulder due to D-H substitution was found. Based on our infrared and molecular orbital calculations, as well as the previous NMR and Raman spectra, we conclude that the 900 cm-1 band in the vibrational spectrum of H2O-albite glass consists of Al- (OH Stretching vibration caused. The proposed model is as follows: Al (OH) and a small amount of Si- (OH) bonds are formed by molecular water interaction with Al3 + ions when the total water content in the melt is [H2O] <30mol% H2O]> 30 mol%, the predominant species in the melt is molecular water, and H + is exchanged with Na + at the charge-balancing site to form NaOH molecules or hydrated Na + (H2O) n complexes.