
来源 :家具与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiyanru
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随着高层建筑的发展,现代住宅的室内设施也随之趋于多功能化和装饰化,但是,现代居室带来的过去不曾有过的病害危及人们的健康,不得不引起大家的关注,下面举出常见的几种现代化住宅的病症: 病症之一:为了充分利用城市建筑用地以解决日益对住宅增长的需求,一幢幢现代化高楼拔地而起,鳞次栉比。人们常把摩天大楼视为现代化生活的象征,由于楼房不断地增多,往往造成楼房间的卫生间距多数不合卫生要求,按照标准:楼高1m,间距1.2~2m。著者曾对几片集中楼群经过调查,发现80%左右的楼群间距小于标准要 With the development of high-rise buildings, the indoor facilities of modern houses tend to be multi-functional and decorative. However, the diseases that have never been experienced in modern living rooms endanger people’s health and have caused everyone’s concern. The following A list of common symptoms of several modern homes: One of the symptoms: In order to take full advantage of urban construction sites to address the growing need for residential growth, modern blockhouses rise up and row upon row. People often think of skyscrapers as a symbol of modern life. Due to the continuous increase of buildings, most of them often do not meet the hygiene requirements due to their health. According to the standard: 1m high and 1.2 ~ 2m spacing. The author has conducted surveys on a few concentrated buildings and found that about 80% of the buildings are spaced less than the standard ones
早丰一号辣椒足保护地栽培的优良组合。为提高其一代杂种的质量和产量,在制种技术上应抓好下列几个问题: 一、重视亲本的提纯和保纯早丰一号母本系南京早椒;父本为上海甜椒
怀孕除了给孕妈咪带来初为人母的喜悦外,日益长大的肚子也造成了很多生活上的不方便。日常生活中必需的洗澡、洗头等事情,到了孕中后期逐渐变得困难。 In addition to the p
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