A Letter

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jack607
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  Dear Lin Tao,
  Thanks for your letter, don’t worry to study English. I will tell you some ways, hope they can help you. You can study English by listening to tapes, it’s very useful, it can help your pronunciation.The second way is often write diaries.You can find out some mistakes in your articles. The third way is to read English newspapers or English articles. They can help you to have new and more nowledges. The last way is learn use you dictionary. You can look words up in it. You should believe yourself.Don’t give up!
  Wish you every happiness.
  但是由于考试时间的仓促,学生英语基础知识不牢固,写作练习不够,难免会有一些错误。比如,第三句里的nowledges单词错误,而且是不可数名词,应该写成knowledge。第四句里的learn use 应改成by learning to use,因为learn和use都是实义动词,不能连用,但中间插用to,把后面变成不定式就对了。再有dictionary是个名词,前面的主格代词you 应改成形容词性的物主代词,才能修饰后面的名词,应改成your dictionary。最后要注意的是逗号不能连接两个句子,处理办法就是要么加并列连词,要么改为两个独立的句子。
  Dear Lin Tao,
  Thanks for your letter. Don’t worry about your English study. I will tell you some ways, and I hope they can be of some help to you.
  You can study English by listening to tapes, which is very useful. It can help you with your pronunciation. The second way is to learn by writing diaries. You can find out some mistakes in your articles. The third way is to read some English newspapers or English articles. You can also listen to some English songs and watch some English movies. They can help you to have new knowledge,and let you become interested in English. The last way is to learn by using your dictionary. You can look up the new words in it. You should believe in yourself. Don’t give up!
  Wish you every happiness.
The one who brought me down to earth,  And held me every day.  The one who gracefully gave me birth,  And said, I love you in every way.  The one who taught me everything,  Like how to crawl and walk.
A French Traveler一名法国游客well but not perfectly.For one thing,his vocabulary was not large.One day,he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted
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