Mechanism of Calcined Phosphogypsum for the Volume Change of Blended Cement

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f281124698
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The paper describes an investigation into the volume change of cement mortar specimen at the three kinds of different curing schedules including 20℃and 5% Na2SO4 solution curing, tap water standard curing, 50% RH curing for 90 days. The testing results of hydration heat, chemical shrinking and XRD prove that calcined phosphogypsum has evident excitation effect on the activity of high calcium ash and steel slag. Simultaneously, calcined phosphogypsum has the function of decreasing volume shrinkage to blended cement possessing steel slag and high calcium ash. In sulfate curing, calcined phosphogypsum can avoid the phenomenon of protrude apex of the blended cement. The paper describes an investigation into the volume change of cement mortar specimen at the four kinds of different curing schedules including 20°Cand 5% Na2SO4 solution curing, tap water standard curing, 50% RH curing for 90 days. The testing results of hydration heat , chemical shrinking and XRD prove that calcined phosphogypsum has evidence excitation effect on the activity of high calcium ash and steel slag. Simultaneously, calcined phosphogypsum has the function of reduced volume shrinkage to blended cement possessing steel slag and high calcium ash. In sulfate curing, Calcined phosphogypsum can avoid the phenomenon of protruded apex of the blended cement.
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