Osmolyte transport in Staphylococcus aureus and the role in pathogenesis

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a954862
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Osmolyte transport is a pivotal part of bacterial life, particularly in high salt environments. Several low and high affinity osmolyte transport systems have been identified in various bacterial species. A lot of research has centered on characterizing the osmolyte transport systems of Gram-negative bacteria, but less has been done to characterize the same transport systems in Gram-positive bacteria. This review will focus on the previous work that has been done to understand the osmolyte transport systems in the species Staphylococcus aureus and how these transporters may serve dual functions in allowing the bacteria to survive and grow in a variety of environments, including on the surface or within humans or other animals. Several low and high affinity osmolyte transport systems have been identified in various bacterial species. A lot of research has centered on characterizing the osmolyte transport systems of Gram-negative bacteria, but less has been done to characterize the same transport systems in Gram-positive bacteria. This review will focus on the previous work that has been done to understand the osmolyte transport systems in the species Staphylococcus aureus and how these transporters may serve dual functions. the bacteria to survive and grow in a variety of environments, including on the surface or within humans or other animals.
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