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一周明山的入党介绍人,是南柳的老支书王长修和副支书郭金太。这两个介绍人,从土地改革那时起,就在村里当干部,因为不识字,工作上很吃过些苦头,早想培养个有文化的年轻人做帮手。他们见周明山这孩子又诚实又勤奋,便动员他父亲送他到南樊镇上去读高小。他父亲说:“原来我打算让他停学,帮大人干活。既然党支部要他为咱贫农念书,勒紧裤带也得供他。”一九五二年,周明山高小毕立,他们又动员他留在村里当民校教员,党内有什么文件、通知、指示,也让他代念代讲。后来明山长大成人了,他们又商量吸收他入党。经常和他谈话,给他讲过去的革命斗争,将来的共产主义,要他好好锻炼自己,做革命的接班人。可是,等周明山一九五六年三月入党的时候,他的这两个介绍人,却像翻贴的门神,根本不对脸,互相不说 One day Mingshan join the party introducer, is the eldest branch secretary Nanliu Wang repair and deputy secretary Guo Jintai. Since the time of the agrarian reform, these two introductory referees have worked in the village as cadres. As they are illiterate, they have suffered bitterly at work and have long wanted to train a young man of culture to be a helper. They met Zhou Ming-shan, the child was honest and hard-working, and mobilized his father to send him to Nanfang town to read the high school. His father said: “It turned out that I intended to stop him and work for adults, since the party branch asked him to study for the poor peasants and to tighten their belts for him.” In 1952, They also mobilized him to stay in the village as a teacher of Minzhong. What documents, notices and instructions were given in the party? Later, Mingshan grew up, they also discussed to absorb him into the party. He often talked with him and told him about the revolutionary struggles in the past and future communism, asking him to exercise himself well and be a revolutionary successor. However, when Zhou Ming-shan joined the party in March 1956, his two introductory referees, like the knocked god, did not say anything to each other and did not say anything to each other
去时一股情緒,回来欢天喜地, 甘拜“南张”为师,贈送一面錦旗。四句开場白罢,听咱来說說山西省潞安县八义乡,組織三十二戶富裕中农到潞安县的邻县,长子县南张村参观小麦丰产
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