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十年前,在山丹路易·艾黎博物馆,蓦然看到一柄匈奴弯刀和一支残缺鸣镝,锈迹斑斑,内里泛红,在不怎么明亮的灯光下,像是层层泛起的黑色肉痂。这两种冷兵器在当世的激烈的暴力体验,已经与那些被它割断的生命浑然一体。可以说,它们的本身就是一种真实的历史,承载自己,也承载匈奴所有的逝者及其亡灵——真相不断损耗,灵魂却会越来越清晰,以致这把刀子真正呈现的时候,只能以沉默的姿势和表情,让每一个看到它的人,忽然觉得了生命的仓促和时间的迅猛。再后来,与朋友两度登临焉支山。一次是 Ten years ago, at the Louis Alley Museum in Shandan, I suddenly saw an Xiongnu machete and a tomb of dysprosium that was rusty and rusty. The interior was reddish and seemed to be littered with less bright lights Black scab. The intense violence experienced by these two kinds of cold weapons in the present world has been integrated with the lives that were cut by it. It can be said that they are a true history in their own right, carrying themselves and carrying the deceased and deceased souls owned by the Huns - the truth is constantly depleted and the souls are becoming clearer and clearer so that when the knife truly appears, With a silent posture and expression, so that everyone who sees it, suddenly felt the rush of life and the rapid time. Later, with friends twice on board Yan mountain. Once
望着大家那力争上游,勇往直前的劲头,我不禁感慨万分:九年级的生活有如陀螺高速旋转,难以停息。    两秒钟的事情一秒钟搞定,两节课的习题一节课做完,这便是九(6)班的冲刺生活,在这紧迫的日子里,我们与时间赛跑,欲与天公试比高。    寝室“朝闻报”    “滴滴……滴滴……”  “哎,谁的表又开始‘半夜鸡叫’了?时间还早着哩!”  “还有5分钟就打起床铃了啊!”  此话犹如晴天霹雳,惊得大家不约而
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Large numbers of tourists stroll in a park in Zhengzhou, Henan Province,during the Spring Festival, which fell on February 3 this year.Statistics from the Natio
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