The United States once conducted a survey of 733 millionaires with millions of dollars and found that the first few factors that worked for their success were “treating everyone honestly” and “strictly observing discipline ”And “ friendly with people ”and other factors belong to the category of emotional intelligence. When asked about the CEOs of some of China’s best companies, they think the answers to the question “What most contemporary college graduates lack are often surprisingly consistent: the lack of emotional intelligence. At present, most parents are generally concerned about children’s IQ and learning, while ignoring the cultivation of emotional intelligence, resulting in more and more children with low emotional intelligence. In the eyes of today’s parents, the real development of moral, physical and mental ”90 “ is rare. The reason is, in fact, still lies in the fact that many parents in family education now tend to focus only on IQ but ignore the cultivation of EQ, resulting in more and more children with low EQ. To this end, many psycho-educational experts have pointed out sharply that the ”EQ“ after ”90s“ is that parents give ”training" out.