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人物小传陈武勇,男,1952年6月2日出生,云南省昭通市人,汉族。教授、博士生导师、四川大学和四川省教学名师。专业背景为皮革化学与工程、植物单宁化学。研究方向为制革化学、清洁化制革技术、植物单宁化学、功能皮革及制品设计、废弃物资源化利用、微生物及酶应用技术。1977年1月毕业于成都工学院皮革专业,毕业后一直留校任教。1990年7月成都科技大学制革与鞣料专业研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位。1994年3月至1995年4月前往英国SUSSEX大学化学与分子科学系访问学者,1998年9月至1999年3月在美国农业部东部农业研究中心(ERRC)访问科学家。现任四川大学轻纺与食品学院院长、生物质与皮革工程系主任、教授、博导。主要学术职衔与业内兼任有:教育部高等学校轻工与食品专业教学指导委员会副主任,教育部高等学校轻化工程专业教学指导分委员会主任,四川省皮革学会理事长,中国皮革工业协会科技委员会委员,中国皮革工业协会常务理事,国家质量技术监督局皮革标准化委员会委员,《中国皮革》、《皮革化工》和《皮革科学与工程》等刊物编委。长期担任本科生及研究生教学工作,主编《鞣制化学》(“十五”国家级规划教材)等教材4部,参编教材和专著2部。所主持并主讲的“鞣制化学”获2005年度国家级精品课程称号;教改成果“轻化工程专业皮革课程体系改革与教材建设”2001年获四川省高等教育教学成果一等奖,“适应行业发展、发挥学科优势、培养新型轻化工程人才”2004年获四川省高等教育教学成果二等奖,获2006年度“宝钢优秀教师奖”;现主持教育部教改项目3项。2000年以来,先后承担了国家自然科学基金、国家“863”计划、国家“九·五”攻关项目、国际合作重点项目、四川省重点科研项目18项。与捷克ThomasBata大学和美国东部农业研究中心(USDA/ARS/ERRC)等开展国际科技合作与交流。获省、部级科技进步二等奖4项、三等奖2项、优秀论文奖1项;获国家发明专利8项;发表论文124篇,其中被SCI收录14篇并被引用34次。 Character Biography Chen Wuyong, male, born June 2, 1952, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, Han nationality. Professor, doctoral tutor, Sichuan University and Sichuan Province teaching teacher. Professional background for leather chemistry and engineering, plant tannin chemistry. His research interests include tanning chemistry, tanning technology, plant tannin chemistry, functional leather and product design, waste resource utilization, microorganism and enzyme technology. 1977 January graduated from Chengdu Institute of Leather professional, after graduation has been teaching. July 1990 Chengdu University of Science and Technology tanning and tanning graduate, a master’s degree in engineering. Visiting scholar from Department of Chemistry and Molecular Science, University of Sussex, UK, from March 1994 to April 1995; visiting scientists from US Department of Agriculture East Agricultural Research Center (ERRC) from September 1998 to March 1999. Incumbent Sichuan University School of textile and food dean, director of biomass and leather engineering, Professor, Ph.D. The main academic titles and the industry as part-time: Ministry of education of light industry and food teaching guidance committee deputy director of the Ministry of education of colleges and universities of light engineering teaching guidance subcommittee, leather director of Sichuan Province, China Leather Industry Association Science and Technology Commission Member, standing director of China Leather Industry Association, member of Leather Standardization Committee of China Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, editorial board member of China Leather, Leather Chemicals and Leather Science and Engineering. For a long time as a undergraduate and graduate teaching work, editor of “tanning chemistry” ( “fifteen ” national planning textbook) and other textbooks 4, textbooks and monographs 2. Chair and Chair of the “Tanning Chemistry ” won the 2005 National Excellent Course title; teaching reform results “light leather engineering curriculum reform and textbook construction ” in 2001 by the Sichuan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, “Adapt to the development of the industry, give play to the advantages of discipline and cultivate new talents of light chemical engineering ” In 2004, he won the second prize of Sichuan Province higher education teaching achievement and won the 2006 “Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award”; now he presided over the Ministry of Education reform project 3 item. Since 2000, it has undertaken a number of key scientific research projects including National Natural Science Foundation, National 863 Plan, National 9,500 Scientific Project, key projects for international cooperation and key research projects in Sichuan Province. International scientific and technological cooperation and exchange with ThomasBata University in the Czech Republic and USDA / ARS / ERRC in the United States. The provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological progress second prize 4, third prize 2, a dissertation award; won 8 national invention patents; published 124 papers, which was included in SCI 14 and was cited 34 times.
介绍虚拟轴机床原型样机VAMT1Y 的圆弧和直线插补,并对插补误差进行分析。分析表明,该插补算法具有足够的精度,完全可以满足加工要求;还得出工作空间中插补误差的敏感因素,为高精度的刀
宇宙中有这样一位吟咏者,它的第一声呐喊,是为着这个神圣的使命而荣耀;它的最后一声呐喊,是毅然羽化成灵。这声呐喊是多么惊艳,亦能定格成永恒!  蝉的白色幼虫的身体在土壤中蠢蠢