
来源 :成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Northbay
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在成人教育全部活动中,管理工作贯穿始终。没有管理,就没有成人教育的存在和发展,乡镇成人教育中心学校,是现阶段农村成人教育的职能机构,是农村成人教育三级办学体系的中心环节,担负着提高广大农村劳动者的科学文化素质,推动农村两个文明建设的重任。因此,研究乡镇成人学校的管理,对于改革和发展农村成人教育,以致加强和振兴农村经济,都具有十分重要的意义。随着成人教育事业的发展和教育质量的高标准要求,如何加强对乡镇成人学校的科学管理,已经成为十分重要而迫切需要解决的问题。1.从性质上看,成人学校管理具有开拓性的探索性。成人教育是一项新兴事业,乡成人学校管理没有现成的条条框框可套,没有固定的模式可以仿效,它虽然可以借鉴普通教育的一般特点和规律,但具体的管理对象、办学目标、课程设置、教学方法、评价标准,又 In all activities of adult education, management work throughout. Without management, there is no existence and development of adult education. The township adult education center schools are the functions and institutions of adult education in rural areas at this stage. They are the central link in the three-level system of adult education in rural areas, and they are responsible for raising the scientific culture of rural laborers Quality, and promote the two civilizations in rural areas the task of building. Therefore, to study the management of township adult schools is of great significance to the reform and development of rural adult education so as to strengthen and revitalize the rural economy. With the development of adult education and the high standards of educational quality, how to strengthen the scientific management of township adult schools has become a very important and urgent problem to be solved. 1. From a qualitative point of view, adult school management is pioneering and exploratory. Although adult education is an emerging undertaking, the management of adult schools in rural areas does not exist as a set of rules and regulations. There is no fixed pattern to follow. Although it can learn from the general characteristics and laws of general education, the specific management targets, school goals, curriculum, Teaching methods, evaluation criteria, again
重视学生的好奇心,培养学生的学习兴趣,才能激发学生的求索精神和创新意识。 Emphasis on students’ curiosity, develop students’ interest in learning, in order to sti
思想政治工作只有不断创新机制和方法,与时代发展共脉搏,与社会进步同呼吸,才会永远保持强大的生命力。 1、战略思想上创新 改革开放以来,人民的精神文化生活有了许多新的发
溶栓疗法是急性脑梗死 (ACI)最有效和最有前途的治疗方法 ,对降低ACI的致残率有明显效果[1] 。国内外多将溶栓时间窗定为发病后 6h ,甚至 3h ,限制了溶栓疗法的广泛应用。 1 998年 1
【摘 要】面对日益严重的环境破坏与资源匮乏问题,再加之企业竞争、成长的需要,绿色供应链理念应运而生。本文旨在综合供应链运作参考模型、物流计分卡、平衡计分卡模型的基础上,加入绿色环境保护指标,结合DEA与供应链的特点构建了基于  DEA的绿色供应链绩效评价体系,然后通过数据包络分析对15条绿色供应链进行测算,说明采用数据包络分析对供应链进行绩效评价是可行的。  【关键词】绿色供应链;绩效评价;DEA