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“口眼歪斜”和“腰腿痛”都是常见的多发病,老、中、青、少年都有患病者。这种病治疗及时得当,可减轻病人痛苦,尽早恢复健康。如处理不当,辗转时间过长,不仅经久不愈,而且会留下后遗症,严重的影响工作、学习和劳动。从1970年起,我们运用祖国医学“十二经”循经取穴的理论,对“口眼歪斜”(西医叫“颜面神经麻痹”)和“腰肌劳损”,“腰腿痛”等病进行针刺双穴治疗的疗效观察。我们觉得以循经取穴针刺双穴的方法疗效比单穴好,可以大大缩短疗程。几年来,我们重点治疗观察了单纯“口眼歪斜”十几例和“腰腿痛”、“腰肌劳损20余例,以循经取穴,针刺双穴,远近配穴,注重补泻的方法进行治疗,一般都取得了满意的效果。“口眼歪斜”的治疗天数短则7~10天,长则15~20天。“腰腿痛”、“腰肌劳损”治疗天数短则5~7天,长则20~30天(长者指以往曾反复发作,而经药物治疗均未获满意效果的),都达到治愈或基本治愈。 “Kouyanwaixie” and “low back and leg pain” are common and frequently-occurring diseases. Old, middle-aged, young-aged and young people are affected. The timely treatment of this disease can reduce patient suffering and restore health as soon as possible. If you do not handle it properly, if you take too long, it will not only be unrecoverable, but it will also cause sequelae, which will seriously affect your work, study and labor. Since 1970, we have used the theory of the twelve classics of the motherland medicine to select the acupoints and to treat diseases such as “Keeping your mouth out of perspective” (Western doctors call “facial nerve paralysis”) and “lumbar muscle strain” and “low back and leg pain”. The efficacy of acupuncture and double-acupoint treatment was observed. We feel that the efficacy of acupuncture at the acupoints via the acupoints is better than that of a single point, which can greatly shorten the course of treatment. Over the past few years, we have focused on the treatment of observations of more than 20 cases of simple “mouth deviation” and “lumbar and leg pain”, “more than 20 cases of lumbar muscle strain, to follow the acupoints, acupuncture at double points, and arrange points far and near, focusing on diarrhoea The method of treatment has generally achieved satisfactory results. The treatment days for ”Kouyanwaixue“ are as short as 7 to 10 days and as long as 15 to 20 days. The treatment days for ”low back and leg pain“ and ”lumbar muscle strain" are short. For 5 to 7 days, the length is 20 to 30 days (elderly people have repeated attacks in the past, but have not achieved satisfactory results after drug treatment), and all have reached a cure or basic cure.
礼物、圣诞树、红酒、毛衣、围巾、卡片、蜡烛和缀满灯泡的夜景,这些景象总能给我们一些关于童话的想象。Merry X’mas,我们从细节上虏获这个季节的甜美,做个温暖的公主。 G
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在重庆市光学机械研究所的协作下,我们从1976年开始用激光对常用中药薏苡(CoixLachryma-jabi L)生长的影响进行研究。薏苡又名苡仁,属禾本科一年生植物。其种仁能健脾、补肺