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国家大规模建设开始,木材需要量日益增加,因此保护国家现有森林资源,严防森林火灾的意义就更加重大。一九五二年三月四日,中共中央及中央人民政府政务院发出关于严防森林火灾的指示后,本府亦于一九五二年十二月九日颁发了加强今冬明春护林防火工作令,因而森林火灾较一九五一年大为减少。为了加强这一工作,中央林业部又于一九五三年三月二日发出了关于护林防火的指示,这就说明了在当前防火护林工作的重要。但却有不少地区的县区领导干部,对防火护林工作重视不够,甚至发生山火后采取了既不处理,又不报告的官僚主义态度。如垣曲县在去年十二月二十一日至今年一月八日不到二十天,在一、二、三区即发生山火八起,省府曾令他们追查处理,但直到现在不仅未作正确处理,更严重的是二月二十六日,在四区又发生山火四起,为了及时引起该县领导的注意,本府又发了垣曲等县不重视防火护林工作的通报,而该县于三月二十三日在三区又起了山火,把去秋播种出土的树苗烧了一百五十余亩。这是不能容忍的现象。此外,如五台、定襄、孝义、方山、榆次、和顺、浮山、高平、昔阳、交城、夏县、永济、阳城、沁源、霍县、介休、广灵、吉县、乡宁、隰县等县,亦不断发生山火,对国家森林资源损失极大。为此,本府再重申前令,指示如下: Since the large-scale national construction began, the demand for timber has been increasing. Therefore, the significance of protecting the existing national forest resources and preventing forest fires is even more significant. On March 4, 1952, following instructions from the Central Government and the Central Government Department of the Central Government on the prevention of forest fires, the government also issued a Work Order on Strengthening Forest Fire Prevention this winter and next spring on December 9, 1952 As a result, forest fires decreased significantly compared with 1951. In order to strengthen this work, the Central Forestry Department issued another directive on forest fire prevention on March 2, 1953, which shows the importance of the current work on fire protection forests. However, there are quite a few cadres in counties and districts in the region who have paid insufficient attention to the work of protecting forests for fire prevention and even adopted bureaucratic attitudes that they neither handle nor report after the occurrence of the fire. For example, in Yuanqu County, less than 20 days were completed between December 21 last year and January 8 this year. In the first, second and third districts, there were ups and downs, and the provincial government had ordered them to trace them. However, until now Not only was it not correctly dealt with, but what was even more serious was the repeated fires in February 2004 in four districts. In order to promptly attract the attention of the leaders of the county, the government issued another book on protecting forests in Yuanqu County. It was reported that the county had started another hill fire in the three districts on March 23 and burned more than 150 acres of saplings excavated in the autumn. This is an intolerable phenomenon. In addition, such as Wutai, Dingxiang, Xiaoyi, Fangshan, Yuci, Heshun, Fushan, Gaoping, Xiyang, Jiaocheng, Xiaxian, Yongji, Yangcheng, Qinyuan, Huoxian, Jiexiu, Guangling , Jixian County, Xiangning County, Yixian County and other counties also suffered from mountain fires and caused great losses to the country’s forest resources. To this end, the government reiterated the previous order, as follows:
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