移动通信终端产业高峰论坛 专题报道

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10月23日,以“交流合作创新共赢”为主题的“ICT中国2007移动通信终端产业高峰论坛”在北京喜来登长城饭店举办。本届论坛是由国内最大的通信终端分销集团——中邮普泰通信服务股份有限公司首次在“中国国际通信设备技术展览会”期间主办的以移动终端产品为主要内容的论坛,也是目前国内规格最高的移动通信终端产业论坛活动之一。本届论坛作为面向移动通信终端产业链各个环节乃至整个通信行业发展的高端论坛,旨在为国际移动通信终端行业提供一个高规格、高水平的交流平台,必将得到行业内外的广泛关注。在移动通信终端产品智能化、标准化、多模化的发展趋势下并时逢3G发展的关键之年,我们相信“ICT中国?2007移动通信终端产业高峰论坛”的举办必将促进移动通信领域的合作,为中国移动通信产业带来新的期待。本刊记者专程采访了这次论坛,这里是她带回来的报道。 On October 23, “ICT China 2007 Mobile Communication Terminal Industry Forum” was held at the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel in Beijing with the theme of “Sharing, Cooperation, Innovation and Win-win”. This forum is composed of the largest communications terminal distribution group - China Post Communication Services Co., Ltd. for the first time in the “China International Telecommunications Equipment and Technology Exhibition,” organized by the mobile terminal products as the main forum, but also At present, one of the highest-standard mobile communication terminal industry forums in China. As a high-end forum for all aspects of the industrial chain of mobile communication terminals and even the entire communications industry, this forum aims to provide a high-level and high-level communication platform for the international mobile communication terminal industry and will surely receive extensive attention both inside and outside the industry. We believe that the holding of “ICT China 2007 Summit of Mobile Communication Terminal Industry Summit” will surely promote the development of mobile communication in the crucial year of 3G development in the trend of intelligent, standardized and multi-mode mobile terminal products Cooperation in the field, bringing new expectations for China’s mobile communications industry. This reporter made a special trip interviewed the forum, here is the report she brought back.
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