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一、全厂合资 即原有的国有企业保留牌子,以整个企业的资产与外商合资。下面成立劳动服务公司,富余人员全部进入服务公司,把新办合资企业的后勤服务包下来。 二、综合利用 一般是从来料加工或补偿贸易转为合资企业,解决资金不足的困难。 三、滚动发展 一般是以一两家合资企业为龙头,滚动发展,带动全行业的转轨变型。 四、延伸发展 在原有国有企业的基础上,通过合资,扩大其产品的加工深度,提高原有产品的附加值。这类企业原来就具有产品优势,合资后前后延伸,企业便获得新的发展。 五、筑巢引鸟 一般是自己以外汇引进先进设备,形成生产规模,产品有一定市场,再与外商密切联系,引起兴趣后转为合资。 六、分解脱壳 大中型企业人员宠杂,干部多,职工多,就采用“办一个合资企业走一部分人”,“一个一个脱出去”的办法,最后达到全厂合资的目的。 七、二步到位 即合资分为两步;第一步把原有企业中最优秀的精兵强将调到合资新厂,理顺合资后的关系;第二步再把原企业“化”掉,实现全企业合资。 八、移地新建 一些企业很有前景,但受场地、设备、资金限制,通过合资移地新建,很快就使企业得到跳跃式的发展。 First, the whole plant joint venture The original state-owned enterprise retains the brand, with the entire company’s assets and foreign joint ventures. A labor service company was established below. All surplus personnel entered the service company and packaged the logistical services of the new joint venture. Second, comprehensive utilization Generally, it is never expected that processing or compensation trade will be transferred to a joint venture to solve the problem of insufficient funds. Third, the rolling development is generally based on one or two joint ventures as a leader, rolling development, and drive the industry’s transition variants. IV. Extend and develop On the basis of the original state-owned enterprises, through joint ventures, expand the depth of processing of their products and increase the added value of the original products. Such enterprises originally had product advantages. Before and after the joint venture was extended, the company gained new development. V. Nesting and attracting birds Generally, they introduce advanced equipment by foreign exchange to form a scale of production. The products have a certain market, and then they have close contact with foreign investors. After interest, they convert to joint ventures. 6. Decomposing Shelling Large and medium-sized enterprise personnel are petty, have many cadres, and have many employees. They use the method of “taking a joint venture to take some people” and “one by one” to achieve the goal of a joint venture with the whole plant. In the seventh and second step, the joint venture is divided into two steps; the first step is to transfer the best elite troops of the original company to the new joint venture and rationalize the relationship after the joint venture; the second step is to “turn off” the original company. To realize joint ventures throughout the company. VIII. Relocation of Newly Built Enterprises Some prospects are promising. However, due to the restrictions of venues, equipment, and funds, new joint ventures will be carried out to create a leapfrog development.
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