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我市地处浙南沿海,全区山坡地多,旱作面积占耕地的四分之一,部分粮地常年一熟甘薯(番薯)或麦、薯两熟,产量不高不稳,加以病、虫灾害逐年加重,亟待改种轮作,把旱地粮食产量搞上去,同时山区人民要求增加食物组成中的大米成分。根据杂交水稻具有较强的抗旱特性及我市优越的自然条件,1979年在文成县开始进行杂交水稻汕优6号旱地(山坡地)栽培的适应性试验。1980年扩大试验40余亩,获得亩产530.3斤的好收成,1981年又扩大到永嘉、苍南、平阳、瑞安等县,仅文成县即有250余亩。据1983年的不完全统计,旱种面积扩大到7,900余亩,其中单种的 The city is located in the southern coast of Zhejiang Province, the region hillside and more, dry area accounts for a quarter of cultivated land, part of the perennial sweet potato (sweet potato) or wheat, potato two crops, yield is not high and unstable, to be sick The pest disaster has been increasing year by year. The crop rotation is urgently needed and the grain output in the dry land is increased. At the same time, the people in the mountain area have requested to increase the rice ingredient in the food composition. According to the hybrid rice has strong drought resistance characteristics and the superior natural conditions of our city, we started the adaptability experiment of cultivation of dry land (hillside) of hybrid rice Shanyou No.6 in Wencheng County in 1979. In 1980, it expanded the test of more than 40 mu to obtain a good harvest of 530.3 kg of mu per mu. In 1981, it expanded to counties of Yongjia, Cangnan, Pingyang and Rui’an. According to the incomplete statistics of 1983, the area of ​​dry cultivation expanded to more than 7,900 mu, of which only one was
目的:   引进和修订人格测试工具:气质性格量表(Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised,TCI-R),以大学生人群为样本人群研究气质性格量表(TCI-R)应用的信度和效度;
The biological roles of N6 methylation of nucleic acids have been extensively studied.Adenine methylation of RNA is the most prevalent RNA modification and has
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