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外语专家章兼中教授曾经说过:任何一种语言都离不开它当时的情境和实践的基础,否则它是无源之水,无本之木。英语作为我们学习的一门外语,由于它缺乏语言独有的情景和实践的条件,变得枯燥乏味,学习起来困难重重,学生难于全身心地投入到英语学习中去。如何巧设一个引人入胜的学习情 Foreign language experts and professors once said: Any language is inseparable from its context and practice of the time, otherwise it is a source of water, without the wood. As a foreign language we learn, English becomes dull and difficult to learn due to its lack of language-specific situations and practical conditions. It is hard for students to devote themselves fully to English learning. How to make a fascinating learning experience
Mechanisms for removal of materials during the grinding process of monocrystalline silicon have been extensively studied in the past several decades.However,deb
In the motorized spindle system of a computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool,intal heat sources are formed during high-speed rotation;these cause thermal
The extraction of pavement cracks is always a hard task in image processing.In airport and road construction,cracking is the main factor for pavement damage,whi
一、摘录积累  语文教材里的选文都是经过时间检验的经典名篇,无论从语言表达、写作技巧、素材运用、思想立意哪一方面看,都是作文的范例,历来被大家推崇和模仿。模仿是创新的
It is a challenging task for operators to program a remote robot for welding manipulation depending only on the visual information from the remote site.This pap