
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdhok
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西南师范学院学生食堂工程于1979年开始设计,1980年施工,1981年竣工。食堂分为厨房及餐厅两部分,可供1000人同时就餐。按院方要求,设计时考虑它兼做中小型集会以及放映电影用房。建筑总面积1536平方米,其中餐厅829平方米、厨房707平方米(包括备餐间115平方米、烧火间45平方米以及其它相应的辅助房间在内)。由于设计时力求功能与建筑形式的统一、结构形式与艺术造型的结合,使这幢折式建筑给人以深刻的印象,建筑与结构的浑然一体,象征着刚与柔的结合,力与艺术的结合,从而赋予建筑物以一定的表现力。一、建筑个性与结构选型的结合 1.与自然环境及总体布局的结合根据大量人流使用的公共建筑的设计原则,建 The student canteen project of Southwest Normal University began its design in 1979, was constructed in 1980, and was completed in 1981. The cafeteria is divided into two parts, a kitchen and a restaurant, which can serve 1,000 people at the same time. According to the request of the hospital, it was designed to be a combination of small and medium-sized gatherings and film screening rooms. The total area of ​​the building is 1,536 square meters, of which 829 square meters is for the restaurant and 707 square meters for the kitchen (including 115 square meters for the dining room, 45 square meters for the fire room and other auxiliary rooms). Due to the combination of the unity of functions and architectural forms, the combination of structural forms and artistic forms, the design of this folding building gives a deep impression. The architecture and structure are integrated, symbolizing the combination of rigidity and softness, power and art. The combination gives the building a certain amount of expressiveness. First, the combination of architectural personality and structural selection 1. The combination of natural environment and general layout is based on the design principles of public buildings used by a large number of people.
用该方法取断螺栓,省时、省力,省钱,简便,一学就会。 取断螺栓的方法是:用电焊把断入螺孔内的螺栓堆焊出螺孔端面,再找一硬铁条,焊在堆出来的铁柱上,做为力臂,即可把断入孔
《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》第五十条规定:“超车前,须开左转向灯、鸣喇叭(禁止鸣喇叭的区域、路段除外,夜间改用变换远近光灯)……在 Article 50 of the “Regula
摘 要:随着课程改革的进一步深入,“活动单导学”教学模式必将被越来越多的教师重视和接纳。作为教师,必须不断更新观念和教法,要作精心的个性化的备课,要注重活动环节的开展,同时对课堂中可能会出现的情况要有一定的预见性。关键词:侧耳倾听; 对立统一; 学习方法; 课程改革; 笔记本中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2011)9-053-001时下盐都区正推行一种全新的教
A supply chain is a system which moves products from a supplier to customers, which plays a very important role in all economic activities. This paper proposes
摘 要: 美是人类长久以来孜孜不倦的追求,爱美是人的天性,随着年龄增长,孩子对美的理解不断加深。我们应当抓住小学美术欣赏教学的特征,并且逐步采用更多样的方法进行美术欣赏教学,使孩子在愉悦的环境中加深对美的理解。  关键词: 小学美术 欣赏教学 特征 方法  一、引言  小学美术课程是一门轻松、有趣的学科,它能够开发孩子的智慧,加深对美的理解。美术欣赏课是小学美术课堂的重要内容,我们要准确把握小学美