
来源 :现代计算机(普及版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziones
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产品差异化是IT业界的永恒话题,这是因为IT产品的同质化太过于严重。即使是在本来可以做出多种特色设计的笔记本行业也是如此。上网本的出现完全是由下游厂商首次主导的一次革命,而CULV轻薄本又一次引领了业界的时尚化潮流。不过,在CULV产品线上,各厂商似乎又重蹈覆辙,除了强调轻薄,并无多大创新。在这种趋于同质化的情况下,秉承了年轻人创新活力精神的BenQ品牌对此却有独特的见解。本刊记者采访了BenQ中国营销总部电脑产品事业处高级经理范志刚先生,他对CULV轻薄本的经营之道、重要特性、未来展望提出了颇有见地的见解。 Product differentiation is the eternal topic of IT industry, this is because the homogenization of IT products is too serious. Even in the notebook industry could have made a variety of unique design as well. The emergence of the Internet is completely led by the downstream manufacturers for the first time a revolution, and CULV thin once again led the fashion trend of the industry. However, in the CULV product line, manufacturers seem to repeat the same mistakes, in addition to emphasize the light, not much innovation. With this homogenization, the BenQ brand, which upholds the spirit of young people’s creative vitality, has a unique view. Our correspondent interviewed Mr. Benny Fan, Senior Manager of BenQ China Marketing Headquarters Computer Products Division. He gave some insightful opinions on the operation, important characteristics and future prospect of CULV.
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