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诗是心灵的秘语,诗是情感的港湾。那些带着诗人体温、承载着诗人个性化信息的一行行文字,是抵达,也是出发。“一个二十一岁的姑娘/做了一个梦,被一个叫做上海的地方叫醒”(《公平路码头随想》)。这首不无自传色彩的诗,透露了诗人冬青的一些信息。这个生长于大连的女子,于上世纪八十年代初大学毕业后,带着她的青春和梦想南下,来到中国最大的现代化城市——上海。可以说,她是从一 Poetry is the secret of the soul, poetry is the harbor of emotion. Those who carry the personal information of the poet’s body temperature with the poet’s body temperature are arriving and starting. “A twenty-one-year-old girl / made a dream and was awakened by a place called Shanghai” (“Fair Road Marina”). This poem is not without autobiography, revealed some information about the poet Holly. The woman, who grew up in Dalian, came to Shanghai, China’s largest modern city with her youth and dreams after graduating from college in the early 1980s. It can be said that she is from one
High prevalence of atherosclerosis and arterial calcification in chronic kidney disease is far beyond the explanation by common cardiovascular risk factors such
AIM: To investigate the protective effect of paricalcitol and enalapril on renal inflammation and oxidative stress in Apo E-knock out mice. METHODS: Animals tre
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“十二五”时期,文化建设将进入一个新的发展阶段。为准确把握人民群众精神文化生活需求的新变化新期待,进一步落实党的十七大提出的推动文化 During the 12th Five-Year Pl