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喉平滑肌肉瘤罕见,现将我院一例报告如下:患者:男,63岁。因声音嘶哑进行性加重,近十天出现呼吸困难及咽喉部不适、隐痛,于1983年7月4日就诊。喉镜检查:左声门区隆起,粘膜粗糙,左披裂软骨固定,疑喉癌住院。先后三次活检未见癌变出院。同年12月9日前述症状加重再次入院。因窒息行气管切开术缓解症状。当月21日从左喉室隆起处再次取材活检,见鳞状上皮下纤维性梭形细胞过度增生。1984年元月11日行左侧垂直半喉切除术。手术标本肉眼所见:声门处粘膜粗糙,粘膜下肿瘤呈不规则形结节,灰白色实体性,向外浸润破坏软骨板(图1)。病理诊断:喉平滑肌肉瘤(图2、3)。术后环磷胺化疗,累计剂量3.7克时,白细胞偏低,停药出院休养,一年后死于肿瘤复发及扩散。 Laryngeal leiomyosarcoma is rare. One case in our hospital is now reported as follows: Patient: Male, 63 years old. Hoarseness worsened due to hoarseness, dyspnea, and throat discomfort and pain in the past 10 days. He was referred on July 4, 1983. Laryngoscopy: The left glottal area was raised, the mucous membrane was rough, and the left epiphyseal cartilage was fixed and the laryngeal cancer was hospitalized. Three biopsies have not seen cancerous discharge. On December 9, same year, the aforementioned symptoms worsened and were admitted again. Asthma tracheotomy to relieve symptoms. On the 21st of the month, a biopsy was taken again from the left hemisphere uplift, and squamous subepithelial fibrous spindle cell hyperplasia was seen. On January 11th, 1984, the left vertical hemi-laryngectomy was performed. Surgical specimens were seen with the naked eye: the mucosa at the glottis was rough, the submucosal tumors were irregularly shaped nodules, and the white solids infiltrated the cartilage plate (Figure 1). Pathological diagnosis: laryngeal leiomyosarcoma (Figure 2, 3). After chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, when the cumulative dose was 3.7 g, the white blood cell was low, she was discharged from the hospital, and she died of tumor recurrence and spread one year later.
软组织恶性巨细胞瘤国内已见报导,但例数不多。此病为一骨外巨细胞瘤、临床及病理均易误诊为骨源性肿瘤。常发生于四肢, Malignant giant cell tumors of soft tissue have
本文报道一组88例外科手术切除的乳癌病例,按照WHO和TNM标准将临床和病理类型分为四期和三类。复查全组病理切片,重点观察癌周RLP反应,结果表明:(1) RLp反应代表宿主的抗瘤细
大肠癌卵巢转移的发生率约为3~10%。由妇科医生统计的卵巢转移癌中来自大肠癌者高达3O%。随着女性大肠癌发病率的增高,大肠癌卵巢转移的重要性也显得突出起来。Buirge 于1941