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目的:探讨食道癌手术胃管及十二指肠营养管的置入时机及方法。方法:术前1天到病房da访视患者,介绍手术室的环境,了解患者的一般情况及潜在问题,在自己的职责范围内给予及时处理,并耐心做好解释工作,以消除其心里压力更好配合手术。术晨由手术室工人到病房接患者到,巡回护士在手术室门口热情接待患者并交接由病房带来的物品,将患者安置于手术床上,注意保暖防止受凉。协助麻醉医师进行深静脉穿刺及实施全身麻醉,麻醉完毕,巡回护士检查患者鼻腔情况,观察鼻腔是否有异物、息肉及鼻中隔是否偏曲等。将患者安置合适的手术体位,常规消毒铺巾实施手术,巡回护士密切关注手术进展情况,在手术医生切除食道病变部分,食道—胃吻合之前就要进行插胃管及营养管的准备工作。结果:通过采取食道癌手术胃管及十二指肠营养管的置入时机及方法,提高了患者的治愈率。结论:胃管的置入是食道癌手术前重要的操作之一,胃管的置入对患者是较难忍受的应激,将舒适护理用于围术期护理工作中,使病人在接受手术时充满信心,在心理上获得满足感和安全感,从而为手术的顺利进行创造了良好的条件,并增加了术后获得最大程度功能恢复的可能性[2]。通过实践得出麻醉后术中插胃管是使患者舒适并确保手术成功的条件之一。 Objective: To investigate the timing and method of surgical placement of esophageal cancer gastric tube and duodenal feeding tube. Methods: One day before surgery, patients were interviewed in the ward to introduce the operating room environment, to understand the general condition and potential problems of the patients, to give timely treatment within their own responsibility and patiently explain their work so as to eliminate their stress Better with surgery. Morning operation room workers to the ward then the patient, the tour nurses in the operating room door warm reception of patients and hand over the items brought by the ward, the patient placed in the operating bed, keep warm to prevent the cold. To assist anesthesiologists in performing deep venous puncture and general anesthesia. After anesthesia is completed, tour nurses check the nasal cavity of the patient, observe whether there is foreign body in the nasal cavity, whether the polyps and nasal septum are curved or not. The patient placement of the appropriate surgical position, routine disinfection drape implementation of surgery, tour nurses pay close attention to the progress of surgery, esophageal lesions removed by the surgeon, esophageal-gastric anastomosis before the need for intercostal tube and feeding tube preparation. Results: By taking esophageal cancer operation duodenal nutrition tube placement timing and methods to improve the cure rate of patients. Conclusion: The placement of gastric tube is one of the important operations before esophageal cancer surgery. The placement of gastric tube is more unbearable stress to the patient, and the comfortable nursing is used in the perioperative nursing work, so that patients undergoing surgery Full of confidence, psychological satisfaction and sense of security, so as to facilitate the smooth operation of the surgery to create a good condition and increase the possibility of postoperative maximum functional recovery [2]. Practice has shown that intragastric anesthesia after the insertion of gastric tube is to make patients comfortable and ensure the success of the operation of the conditions.