
来源 :佳木斯教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanke0022
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初等数学的萌芽、发展,到今天历经了两千多年.初等数学的知识体系日趋完善,同时也积累了大量的数学习题.正如人们所说的那样,数学习题量大如海.目前,随着高考竞争的日趋激烈,人们为了提高数学成绩,甘心钻人苦苦题海,搞“题海战术”。更有些学生不知其然地死套结论演算大量习题结果是思维受限,能力下降。也正和当前所提倡的素质教育背道而驰.但是学习数学又必须做一定的习题,可以说不做一定量的习题就学不好数学.因此,教师应怎样组织和指导学生去做练习,在习题课中又该怎样充分调动学习的积极性,培养学习的能力,是目前教学中急需解决的问题。笔者在几年的高考辅导中,就这一方而做了一些尝试。 The germination and development of elementary mathematics has lasted for more than two thousand years today, and the elementary mathematics knowledge system has been perfected and a great deal of mathematical exercises have been accumulated, and as the saying goes, With the increasingly fierce competition in college entrance examination, people in order to improve their math performance, willing to drill bitter problem of the sea, engaged in “the title of the sea tactics.” Some students do not know how to make ends meet conclusion calculation of a large number of exercises results are limited thinking, ability to decline. But also runs counter to the quality education currently advocated.However, when learning mathematics, we must do certain exercises, so we can say that teachers should not organize and guide students to do mathematics without doing a certain amount of exercises.Therefore, How to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of learning and cultivate the ability to learn is an urgent problem to be solved in teaching. In a few years college entrance examination counseling, I made some attempts on this side.
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A multi-burner-port annular flameless ceramic burner (MAFCB) of the shaftless stove for blast furnaces was designed. The characteristics of pressure drop,homoge
感染性休克是临床上常见的危重病症,病死率一般在50%左右.近年来控制感染的有效坑生素日益增多,抗生素疗法已成为感染性休克的重要辅助治疗 Infectious shock is a clinica