Culture Transformation in Advertising Translation

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  Abstract:Advertising translation is not only to accurately deliver product information,but also pay attention to the cross-cultural factors.This article analyzes in depth from each aspect that how to transform the culture between the east and the west in advertising translation.
  Key words:Advertising;Advertising Translation;Culture Transformation
  Advertising is an activity of propaganda to widely inform people of information.It has distinct nationality and modernity.Certain cultural traditions,beliefs and values largely affect the consumers’ psychology and behavior.
  Chapter One  Definition of Advertising
  Webster’s dictionary defines the advertising: Advertising is a purposeful method that uses media rather than oral transmission to deliver information.It aims to arouse people’s demand for goods,and understanding and goodwill for manufacture producing and selling goods.It also provides non-profit services and expounds some meanings and thought.(Webster dictionary 1988).
  Chapter Two  Factors Affecting Chinese-English Culture Transformation
  First of all,“Thinking is the common property for human.Thinking restricts language.A kind of language expression reflects relevant thinking mode.”The western mode of thinking is linear,characterized by logical analysis,express simplicity while the Oriental thinking is spiral,more implicative.Second,Value orientation directly decides the consumer acceptance of advertising,affecting consumers’ behavior.The differences of cultural background result in diverse value orientation.Western advocates personality and emphasizes the uniqueness while the Chinese pay attention to the moral rules and collectivism.Third,Every language has its own profound historical background and cultural connotation.The differences in cultural background usually cause the disparity between Chinese and western methods to describe things,which affects a lot in advertising translation.The last,Everyone has different aesthetics because people are affected by geographical environment,economic development in various regions.
  Chapter Three  Culture Transformation in Advertising Translation
  3.1 Value Transformation
  The values of Chinese culture have profound humanism.The value of a man displays by “introspection” and “restraint”.Confucian advocates that “cultivate one’s morality,terms,governing the country,flat world”.Chinese people pay attention to the content of advertising,the empiric whose cultural background is Taoism,Buddhism - Confucian ethics,religion,behavior,a fate color,and the overall orientation.In contrast,westerners are extrovert in personality,notice the external form of the product and highlight the sense that the advertising brings.The same objective could contain different values in different cultural environment,leading to different thoughts and connotations.   3.2 Thought Transformation
  The Chinese culture is famous for integrity and harmony throughout the world and it has stronger representation,and symbolic thought has profound influences.The western mode of thinking is characterized by a logic,analyze,and linear.Westerners are always accustomed to from part to whole,which is a kind of analytic way of thinking.They believe analysis and logical reasons with the linear thinking mode.
  3.3 Emotion Transformation
  In cross-cultural communication,people always consider their beliefs and emotions as a standard of communication with others.They do something and behavior with their own guidelines.Sometimes the original Chinese is much exaggerated but Chinese readers have become accustomed to this exaggeration.If the translation is English edition,westerners may find it difficult to accept.
  The culture transformation is significant in advertising translation,which is helpful to promoting the advancement of products.Therefore,interpreting culture transformation in the advertising translation comprehensively is an effective approach to express the original meaning.
摘 要:儿童绘本蕴藏着丰富的德育素材,本研究依据学前教育心理学等相关理论,以绘本为载体,寻找一种易让幼儿产生共鸣的方式,通过挖掘绘本素材,多方位探索如何反哺感恩;丰富阅读方式,多元感悟感恩;内化阅读经验,多途径表现反哺等措施,让感动渐渐地渗入孩子的心里,在幼小的心田种下一颗感恩的种子。  关键词:绘本;中班;反哺情结  一、研究缘起  当你问幼儿期的孩子最喜欢、最亲近的人是谁时?他们会毫不犹豫的回
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摘 要:创设历史情境,营造一种文言文教学的历史氛围,吸引学生的注意力,增强课堂效果。本文从“利用教具和服饰,提高学生兴趣力”;“利用语言和动作,吸引学生注意力”;“利用板书和PPT,提升学生感悟力”这三方面进行阐述,力求改善文言文教学枯燥无味的现实情况,为广大一线语文教师提供一种创新性的课堂形式。  关键词:“创设历史情境”;文言文教学;《兰亭集序》  新课改要求,教师在教学过程中应确立学生主体地
摘 要:数的运算是学生要掌握的基本技能之一,对于学生整个数学学习顺畅与否起着至关重要的作用,而在城市化进程的背景下,学生两级分化严重,对新手教师的教学提出了严峻的挑战。  关键词:城市化进程;新手教师;运算能力  《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》专门设定了一个核心概念:运算能力,运算能力主要是指能够根据法则和运算律正确地进行运算的能力。培养运算能力有助于学生理解运算的算理,寻求合理简洁的运
【教学目标】  1.知识和能力目标:通过设疑引导,学会筛选、把握关键信息,理解作者对“故乡”这一文化概念的思考,明确“故乡”的内涵。  2.过程与方法目标:利用微信等多媒体信息技术,采用问题引导、合作探究、师生互動和情感渗透等方式,对文章内涵有一个全方位的解读。  3.情感态度价值观目标:揣摩饱含作者情感富有哲理的语言,体会作者的别样思乡情感。  【教学重、难点】  重点:通过设疑引导,学会筛选、
摘 要:青春期阶段的学生处于成长与发展的过渡时期,在该阶段他们很容易受到外界的干扰,思想价值观念都处于养成时期,是对他们进行德育教育培养的关键阶段。在调查中我们不乏发现,初中阶段的学生责任心总体情况欠佳,学生的“自控”能力较弱,对自我认知不正确,在行为选择方面极易做出错误抉择。所以在初中教育中必须将学生的责任心培养作为德育教育的重点内容,在引导学生认知自身责任的实践中引导学生提高责任意识,以丰富学
摘 要:高中的学习相比初中阶段内容更加复杂,难度也有提升,许多学生在进入高中时往往无法适应。特别是数学学科,高中阶段数学学科的教学内容更加抽象,知识量大,许多学生由于没有掌握正确的学习方法和学习心态导致学习效率低下,成绩下降。对此,本文以高中阶段数学学科的学习为例,探讨了提高高中阶段学习效率的方法,希望幫助同学们更快地掌握方法,提升成绩。  关键词:高中学习;学习方法;高中数学  高中数学的知识量