Amiable Shakespeare Versus Satirical Jonson?-A Contrastive Myth between Shakespearean and Jonsonian

来源 :英语广场(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuwen0702
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Shakespeare and Ben Jonson have frequently been paired up for comparison in studies of early modern English drama.Conventional views about Shakespeare’s and Jonson’s comedies evolved and crystallized in the seventeenth,eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.People believed or were led to believe that Shakespeare’s and Jonson’s comedies were in clear opposition:Shakespeare’s comedies were sweet,romantic,amiable,popular and entertaining,whereas Jonson’s were based on an abstract theory of humors,cold,satiric,pedantic,and moralizing.Only in the last century did these oppositions begin to change,but too slowly.This paper calls those binary oppositions into question.It tries to present a more truthful picture of these two playwrights and their comedies through an examination of some of their works.It argues that some of those oppositions are stereotypes and should not be taken seriously by contemporary Shakespearean and Jonsonian scholars. Shakespeare and Ben Jonson have frequently been paired up for comparison in studies of early modern English drama. Conventional Views about Shakespeare’s and Jonson’s comedies evolved and crystallized in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. People believed or were led to believe that Shakespeare’s and Jonson’s comedies were in clear opposition: Shakespeare’s comedies were sweet, romantic, amiable, popular and entertaining, and Jonson’s were based on an abstract theory of humors, cold, satiric, pedantic, and moralizing. Notly in the last century did these oppositions begin to change, but too slowly.This paper calls those binary oppositions into question.It tries to present a more truthful picture of these two playwrights and their comedies through an examination of some of their works. It argues that some of those oppositions are stereotypes and should not be taken seriously by contemporary Shakespearean and Jonsonian scholars.
在记叙文阅读中,常常会遇到语言赏析题,有的是让分析某个词语运用之妙,有的是让品味修辞之形象,有的是从给出的几个句子中选择一个句子,进行赏析……许多同学对这类题目有畏难情绪,不知从何入手。其实,只要找准角度,就会顺利攻下难关。  1.抓关键词  (1)关键词主要指在文中富有表现力的词语。特别是动词、形容词的巧妙使用,能够突出人物或事物的特点或特征,我们在品味语言时,一般分析动词、形容词的精辟准确。 
歌曲是歌唱艺术之本,通过歌唱者的演唱来表达作品的情感,歌唱作为一种艺术,为了完善和发展,将多元文化的艺术精髓融入到歌唱中,彰显出歌唱艺术中多样性的特征。 Songs are t