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据《长江日报》报道,针对国内24家航空公司上月底在武汉续签了2001年国内航线收入联营协议、搞“价格同盟”的现象,经济学家胡鞍钢直斥为“腐败”。他说,从世界各国的经验来看,民航业属于一种典型的竞争性行业,而不是自然垄断行业,在市场经济中不能有例外,更不能搞特殊化,必须实行基于市场供求关系的航运政策。航空公司签订联营协议,互相限制降低竞争,这与农用车、家电领域曾出现过的价格同盟有所类似,在全面放开市场的大趋势下,些举可谓是民航改革中一阵“倒春寒”。胡鞍钢说,所谓腐败不一定是为个人谋私利,利用特殊地位为本集团谋利益的行为同样属于腐败。他指出,中国航运购买价格极其昂贵,据测算,因为垄断而造成民航消费者的福利损失每年在75亿到100亿元之间。他认为,实行市场定价机制势在必行,要将航行价格定价权由政府部门交还给市场主体(指企业),由政府计划定价转向企业根据市场供求关系自主定价,由政府过度干预市场价格转向规范市场,保证市场公平竞争。 According to the “Yangtze River Daily” reported that in response to the domestic 24 airlines late last month in Wuhan signed the 2001 domestic airline revenue joint venture agreement, engage in “price alliance” phenomenon, economist Hu Angang simply denounced as “corruption.” He said that from the experience of all countries in the world, the civil aviation industry belongs to a typical competitive industry rather than to a natural monopoly industry. There can be no exception in the market economy, not to mention specialization, and shipping based on market supply and demand must be implemented policy. Airline companies signed a joint venture agreement to reduce competition with each other. This is similar to the price alliance that appeared in the field of agricultural vehicles and home appliances. Under the general trend of liberalizing the market, some of them can be said to be a “downpour” in the civil aviation reform. Hu Angang said that the so-called corruption is not necessarily for self-serving personal interests, the use of special status for the interests of the Group also belong to corruption. He pointed out that the purchase price of Chinese shipping is extremely expensive and it is estimated that the welfare loss of civil aviation consumers is between 7.5 billion and 10 billion yuan a year because of the monopoly. He believes that the implementation of market pricing mechanism is imperative, the pricing power of navigation should be returned by the government departments to the market players (referring to enterprises), the government plans to shift pricing to enterprises based on market supply and demand independent pricing, the government over-intervention in the market price shift Standardize the market and ensure fair competition in the market.
1983年和 1990年美国大陆航空公司曾两度宣告破产。贝休恩出任总裁时,公司已经濒临第6次破产的边缘。他上任后,发起了全面的企业文化革命,强化员工们对公司的归属感,从而调动员工的积极性,
陕西省国土厅对当地高级人民法院的终审裁决以“内部研讨会”的形式予以否决,并数年拒不执行,从而引发陕西榆林基层群众械斗的事件,此事至今已有段时间。之后,媒体报道接二连三,法律界和评论界批评之声不断,就连海外媒体都对这起“行政抗法”事件高度关注,关心它的“未来走向”。也可以说,人们关注这一事件的最终走向和结局,其实就是在关心我们法治建设的前行方向。   对于一个倡导法治和正在积极推进法治化进程的社会而
5年前 ,大庆石油管理局公共汽车公司南区客运站和东风庄客运站车辆陈旧 ,车速慢 ,营运生产徘徊 ,市场被占领 ,票款收入直跌谷底。之后 ,两个客运站进行资产重组 ,组建成为乘
牡丹江市公共交通总公司实行无人售票以后 ,为了妥善安置下车人员 ,不给社会增加负担 ,确保职工队伍稳定 ,在人员分流上走出了一条新路。首先是实行企业内退制 ,将女年满 4 5