Interactions among SARS-CoV accessory proteins revealed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation

来源 :Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:n464j7428bh
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The accessory proteins(3a, 3b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9b and ORF14), predicted unknown proteins(PUPs) encoded by the genes, are considered to be unique to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus(SARS-Co V) genome. These proteins play important roles in various biological processes mediated by interactions with their partners. However, very little is known about the interactions among these accessory proteins. Here, a EYFP(enhanced yellow fluorescent protein) bimolecular fluorescence complementation(BiFC) assay was used to detect the interactions among accessory proteins. 33 out of 81 interactions were identified by BiFC, much more than that identified by the yeast two-hybrid(Y2H)system. This is the first report describing direct visualization of interactions among accessory proteins of SARS-CoV. These findings attest to the general applicability of the BiFC system for the verification of protein-protein interactions. The accessory proteins (3a, 3b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9b and ORF14) predicted unknown proteins (PUPs) encoded by the genes, are considered to be unique to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus These proteins play important roles in various biological processes mediated by interactions with these partners. However, very little is known about the interactions among these accessory proteins. Here, a Enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (bF) molecular bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay was used to detect the interactions among accessory proteins. 33 out of 81 interactions were identified by BiFC, much more than that identified by the yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system. This is the first report describing direct visualization of interactions among accessory proteins of SARS-CoV. These findings attest to the general applicability of the BiFC system for the verification of protein-protein interactions.
“行啊。小伙子……你叫赵南起,是吧?”周保中亲自保送他进入东北军政大学。从不懂汉字、不懂汉语,到千人中的尖子  1927年4月,赵南起出生在吉林永吉一户朝鲜族农民家庭。战争、瘟疫和苦难贫寒的童年,带给他许多思索和锻炼。  1945年8月,随着日本的“太阳旗”在长白山西麓的一个朝鲜族山村落下,当地一时出现了无政府状态。不知从什么地方冒出来的国民党特务、土匪强盗和伪满军警四处施虐。性格倔强、爱憎分明的
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