Late Quaternary glacial chronology on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain,eastern Tibetan Plateau,C

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuang25748
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The Gongga Mountain is the largest area of modern glaciation in the Hengduan Mountains and,with a summit elevation of 7556 m,is the highest mountain on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.During the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles the Gongga Mountain was extensively and repeatedly glaciated,and glacial landforms and outwash deposits from multiple glaciations are well-preserved in valleys,in basins,and on piedmonts.To constrain the glacial chronology of the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain,sample sites were selected based on the distribution and weathering of glacial tills,relationships among glacial deposits,and soil development on moraines.Dating of the tills and glaciofluvial deposits was undertaken with electron spin resonance(ESR) and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL).The ages of the glacial deposits can be divided into four clusters:2.2±0.5,11.9±0.6,35.9±2.7-58.0±6.3 and 119.2±15.9-194.2±32.8 ka.Five glacial advances in this region have been identified,which are equivalent in age to the Little Ice Age(LIA),Neoglaciation,marine oxygen isotope stage(MIS) 2,mid-MIS3,and MIS6.The largest local last glacial maximum(LGML) occurred on Gongga Mountain during mid-MIS3,characterized by a cold-humid climate,rather than the global Last Glacial Maximum(LGMG) of MIS2.The Gongga,Nanmenguangou(NMGG) and Yajiageng Glaciations occurred during the late part of the last glacial cycle,the middle of the last glacial cycle and the penultimate glacial cycle,respectively.On the basis of geomorphological,sedimentological,and compositional characteristics,landforms of the Moxi Platform and terraces can be grouped by facies and geochronology.In combination with the dating results,this analysis indicates the basal part of the Moxi Platform between Xinxin and the Moxi Hotel is correlative with the till of the Nanguanmen Glaciation(mid-MIS3).This basal unit has occasional lenses of glaciofluvial sandy gravel and lacustrine sediments.The remainder of the Moxi Platform and the terraces beside the platform are glaciofluvial deposits occasionally mixed with debris flow deposits and range in age from MIS3 to Holocene. The Gongga Mountain is the largest area of ​​modern glaciation in the Hengduan Mountains and, with a summit elevation of 7556 m, is the highest mountain on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. During the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles the Gongga Mountain was extensively and repeatedly glaciated, and glacial landforms and outwash deposits from multiple glaciations are well-preserved in valleys, in basins, and on piedmonts. To constrain the glacial chronology of the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain, sample sites were selected based on the distribution and weathering of glacial tills, relationships among glacial deposits, and soil development on moraines. Dating of the tills and glaciofluvial deposits was undertaken with electron spin resonance (ESR) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The ages of the glacial deposits can be divided into four clusters : 2.2 ± 0.5, 11.9 ± 0.6, 35.9 ± 2.7-58.0 ± 6.3 and 119.2 ± 15.9-194.2 ± 32.8 ka.Five glacial advances in this region have been identified, whic h are equivalent in age to the Little Ice Age (LIA), Neoglaciation, marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 2, mid- MIS3, and MIS6. largest largest last glacial maximum (LGML) occurred on Gongga Mountain mid- MIS3, characterized by a cold-humid climate, rather than the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGMG) of MIS2. The Gongga, Nanmenguangou (NMGG) and Yajiageng Glaciations occurred during the late part of the last glacial cycle, the middle of the last glacial cycle and the penultimate glacial cycle, respectively. On the basis of geomorphological, sedimentological, and compositional characteristics, landforms of the Moxi Platform and terraces can be grouped by facies and geochronology. In combination with the dating results, this analysis indicates the basal part of the Moxi Platform between Xinxin and the Moxi Hotel is correlative with the till of the Nanguanmen Glaciation (mid-MIS3). This basal unit has occasional lenses of glaciofluvial sandy gravel and lacustrine sediments. The remainder of the Moxi Platform and the terraces beside the platform are glaciofluvial deposits occasionally mixed with debris flow deposits and range in age from MIS3 to Holocene.
患者 女,26岁.因左面部膨隆伴胀痛2个月,于2004年5月17日来院就诊.2个月来发现左面部进行性膨隆,伴肿胀疼痛,无鼻塞、流脓涕及鼻出血史.眼眶、鼻腔及口腔检查未见阳性体征.CT检查示(图1):左上颌窦占位性病变, CT值:42 Hu,部分窦壁有骨质破坏和吸收.行上颌窦穿刺未抽出液体.局部麻醉下行柯-陆手术进路活检,见左上颌窦前壁骨质部分缺如,显露淡红色肿块,经骨质缺如处取活检.病理诊断:上
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背面特写,黑色中长发,白色宽檐帽,除了黑白两色,就是江水迷蒙,青色点缀其中。干净的画面持续许久,直到女孩转过身来,依旧无言,半晌,音乐响起。接下来的画面,第二次看时才反应过来,孙红雷穿衣出门,同样的场景一共剪入三次。  寡言的,摄影讲究,从一开始,影片就透露着浓重的风格化痕迹。相比某些国产片的视觉绚丽,它清冽,而较之贾樟柯们的粗糙边缘,它有着仪式化的诗意,明显的打磨。悬疑警匪片的外壳之下,有一颗柔
一、承载索任意点倾角测量法如图1所示,悬挂钢索两支端坐标分别为A(o,o),B(e,h),设C点较便于施测,C点的X坐标为ke。悬索方程的一般形式为: y=ax~2+bx+c 以A点坐标代入时:C=0
突发性耳聋是指突然发生的原因不明的感音神经性听力损失,其病因繁多,发病机制仍不甚明确,目前尚无特异的治疗方法.我们于1998年6月至2003年9月,对55例突发性耳聋患者采用高压氧(hyperbaric oxygen,HBO)结合药物综合治疗,并与药物对照组进行比较,现报道如下。