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  【摘 要】 Idioms are essence of culture in every country,which mirrors many national unique fashions. It usually includes proverb,saying, slang,Jargon and so on. . Its forms of expression are beautiful in syllable,and harmonious in rhythm. Idioms are also the essence of a language,which have strong national colors and distinctive cultural connotations.This thesis analyzes the similarity and differences of English and Chinese idioms from the aspect of definitions,classification and characteristics and so on. All the significance of this paper is to convey the idioms' cultural information as much as possible,which is very useful for the language learning. So it is a very important and complicated thing for us to understand and use these idioms correctly.
  【关键词】 idioms characteristics cultural difference differences similarities Introduction
   Idioms are the essence of a language,which are always philosophical and eternal. It is“a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit”.
  English idioms and Chinese idioms are gems of the two languages as well as the crystallization of the two national cultures. Most of idioms are of vivid images,consequently,they often contain distinctive national and local colors. Some idioms have quite clear meanings; some are implicit and profound,which could cause a great deal of association,while others may include several meanings,which depend on the context to define its real indication. No translator,language learner or language teacher can afford to ignore idioms if a natural use of the target language is an aim. Therefore,with the more frequent communication between the English and the Chinese people,there is a great demand for more research in English idioms.
  Chapter I Definitions of idioms.An idiom is a term or phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions and the arrangement of its parts,but refers to a figurative meaning that is known only through common use. “Idiom” is a phrase or a group of words approved by people and has unique form. Its meaning is different from the literal. In general sense,the people of English and Chinese idioms includes sayings,“Nothing ventured,nothing gained”,proverbs,“No man is born wise or learned”,idiomatic phrases,"Give a hand",and so on.
  Chapter II Classification of idioms.Because of idiom's advantages,having a long history and a profound moral and strong expression,idioms often have strong national color and local color.
  In both Chinese and English,there are many kinds of idioms. It includes set phrase,common sayings,proverbs,idiomatic phrase,slang,a two-part allegorical saying and allusion etc,English idioms mostly consist of set phrase,and idiomatic phrase,proverbs,common sayings,allusion and slang. Chinese idioms mostly include set phrase,and Chinese set phrase chiefly have four words and include proverbs,common sayings,allusion and a two-part allegorical saying.Chapter III Characteristics of idioms.
  1 Similar characteristics
  1.1 The mass of people is the creator of idioms of both languages.Starling had said that if one wants to study a language,one should establish a link between this language,and the people who create and use this language and their cultural history. Most of English and Chinese idioms are created by the masses. Folk common saying is the main source of idioms,such as“百闻不如一见”(It is better to see once than hear a hundred times). Peasants produce idioms about farm work,while sailors create idioms about sailing and life on sea. Idioms towards sports and hunting are created by athletes and hunters,and so on.
  These kinds of idioms have close relation with people's everyday life. They are active,vivid,expressive and graphic. There are great amount of those idioms in English and Chinese. They are one of the most important components for idioms.
  1.2 Both have regional or geographical characteristics.Region culture refers to the culture formed by the different region,living environment,and living condition. Therefore,regional differences have effect on the expression ways of English and Chinese idioms. In terms of geographical condition,China is on the Euro-Asian continent,and it's a typical agricultural nation with a large population of peasants,who lived the land. As a result,many idioms relate to the earth. For example,“不到长城非好汉”,“福如东海,寿比南山”can greatly embody exotic Chinese regional color.But the Great Britain is an island nation with an advanced fishery. As a result,there are many English idioms about boats,water or navigation,such as“all at sea”(不知所措),“a drop in the ocean”(沧海一粟)。
  1.3 Both have different figures of speech.Chinese and English languages mostly use figures of speech. They usually put a lot of efforts in form,sound and meaning.
  These are:Simile:“like a cat on hot bricks”(像热锅上的蚂蚁)Metaphor:“沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌”(have features that can make fish sink and alight,and looks that can outshine the moon and put the flowers to shame.)Personification:“Failure is mother of success”(失败乃成功之母)。Aphorism:“where there is a will,there is a way”(有志者事竟成)。Antithesis:“Love me,love my dog ”(爱屋及乌)。
  While English culture differs from Chinese culture,there are similarities,even the same between these two cultures. For example,both in the east and the western country,workers have the experience“strike while the iron is hot”(趁热打铁),and nearly all peasants say“As a man sows,so he shall reap”(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)。
  1.4 The fix or variability characteristics of idioms.Both have the fixed feature of idioms. Owing to idiom's deriving from history events,allusions,myth and tale etc.English and Chinese idioms have its habitual and usage feature. Even though some of them do not conform to grammar and logic,they can not be altered. For instance:仰望、展望、鸟瞰、盯住、浏览、凝视、巡视、观察。These Chinese words all have the meaning of“look”,but they can not use“look”instead. On one hand,English and Chinese idioms have its fixed feature,and on the other hand,they also have features of variability.Go along with the past time,people will change words,increase words or decrease words to alter original idioms.Here are some examples:“Give somebody an inch and he will take an ell”is changed into“Give him an inch and he will take a mile.”(得寸进尺)。
  2 Different characteristics
  2.1 The idioms on farming and sea.The idioms on farming in Chinese are more than those in English. China is a typical agricultural nation with a large population of farmers,who live on the land; farming is the root of our nation. As a result,many idioms are related to farming.For example:“留得青山在,不愁没柴烧”(A man who fights and runs away will come and fight another day). England is and island country, and English people are fond of sea. They established a close connection between their life struggle and sea. There are many English idioms about navigation,such as“a cold fish”(冷漠的人)。
  2.2 The different living-surroundings and customs.Idioms,deriving from different living-surroundings,have striking national and cultural color. Since ancient times,Chinese have lived off the land. The agricultural population in china holds the most part of whole population. Peasants accumulate a wealth of experience from farm work which far too many idioms full of agricultural culture rise there from. While England is an island country which fishery and navigation historically has a booming development. As a result,many idioms derive from sailing and fishing,such as“struggle not against the stream”,“pull not against the wind”,“a cold fish”,and so on.
  2.3 Customs Differences between English and Chinese on idioms.Different idioms originate from different customs and reflect them. Folk custom,long-established by human being,is a general term of habits,antique,convention and belief and a fixed cultural pattern approved by people. There are numerous English and Chinese idioms about customs. However,owing to the custom difference,although the British and Chinese describe the same thing,there is quite a complete difference.
  The Chinese often say“红白喜事”(red and white affairs).They hold that weddings are red (happy) affairs while funerals are white (sad) events.“Red”derived from Han people's traditional marriage customs.“White”originated from the tradition custom that in funeral ceremony,the relatives are dressed in white and with burlap over their shoulders in mourning for deceased people.
  Conclusion.Comparative study on the characteristics between English and Chinese idioms can help bridge the cultural gaps and enhance the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication. Also it can help English learners to have a better understanding of idioms and arouse their interest in the study of idioms. Generally,idioms could be divided into four aspects: set phrase,proverbs,common sayings and a two-part allegorical saying. Just as its scope,English and Chinese idioms come from different fields,including people's thoughts about objective world,human being themselves,philosophy and the life experience,and so on.
  1 Liu JinDing.Translation of Chinese and English Idioms [J].武当学
  2 冯翠华.English Rhetorical Options[M].外语教学与研究出版社,
  3 冉秀霞.Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms[J].重庆
【摘 要】 如何正确处理学校体育与安全问题,减少学校体育教育中伤害事故的发生,成为了学校体育教育工作者必须面对的重要课题。为此笔者根据自己的多年教育教学实践,并结合广大体育教学工作者的宝贵经验,简要谈谈中学体育教育中的应注意的几点安全问题。  【关键词】 初中 体育安全   学校体育是一门以身体练习为主要手段,以增进学生健康为主要目的的必修课程,是学校课程体系的重要组成部分,是全面实施素质教
中共中央国务院《关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》明确指出:未成年人思想道德建设工作必须“坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近未成年人的原则”。辽阳市文圣区教育局在进行未成年人思想道德建设中,从未成年人的思想实际和生活实际出发,适应他们身心成长的特点和接受能力,吸引他们到活动中来,让他们在生活中受到感染,突出了德育的针对性和实效性,取得了一定成果。  1 以正蒙教育为突破口,加强和改进未
在变应试教育为素质教育的今天,初中思想政治课教学应适应新教材的变化,改变传统的教学方法,达到帮助教师教学和培养学生能力的目的,而案例分析教学模式不失为一种有益的尝试。案例分析是教师在课堂教学过程中,为了使学生更好地掌握知识技能,形成能力,发展智力而以典型事例说明,解释教材内容,启发诱导学生理解教材内容的教学行为方式。  1 各种案例分析教学模式介绍  1.1 直观式:课堂教学主要是以学习理论知识为
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函数的定义域是函数三大要素中的一个重要要素。在解决有关函数的问题中,忽视函数的定义域往往会惹出祸端。  4 求函数的值域时忽视函数的定义域致误  在解不等式时,“脱去”相关函数的符号后一定要做好“善后”工作,即关注函数的定义域;建议可先求出函数的定义域,然后再对问题予以解答。  上述错解的错法虽不尽相同,但究其根源是相同的,即忽视函数的定义域“惹的祸”。因此,凡是我们以函数眼光去看问题,必须优先考
【摘 要】 曾经有一个家长1年之内为孩子换了4个幼儿园,还是没有换到一家满意的幼儿园。面对这样的问题,各个幼儿园的管理应该怎样做到让各个家长都放心呢?要想做好幼儿园的管理关键是做好幼儿园各个班级的管理。各个班级的管理成效对整个幼儿园的管理具有重大的影响,管理好了则会促进幼儿园的发展,反之,则制约了幼儿园的发展。所以,幼儿园班级管理是幼儿园的基本任务。   幼儿教育是人类一个永恒的话题,教育内
每当布置学生写作文时,总有学生咬着笔头,苦思冥想写不出一个字来,每每看到这样的情景,我总不是滋味,作文为什么會怎么难写?难道真的什么都写不出吗?  学生写作是语文能力的重要组成部分,一个学生必须具备一定的语言交际能力、写作能力,语文能力应该是多方面的,诸如识字能力、阅读能力、说话能力、口语交际能力、写作能力等,而写作能力是语文的一个重要素养,在学生的学习中,还是以后的社会实践中,具备必要的写作能力
【摘 要】 数学教学中实施素质教育要激发学生主动参与学习活动,增强参与信心。  【关键词】 激发求知 主动参与 独立思考 发展思维   数学课实施素质教育,关键要面向全体学生,最大限度地发挥每一位学生的潜能,让每个学生在自主学习中学会思维、学会学习、学会做人。激发学生主动参与学习活动,能使学生在获取知识的同时,自觉完善和发展自己的认识结构,掌握独立获取和运用数学知识的能力,并有助于培养学生的
在課堂教学中,教师的个性化、灵活化、多样化的评价语言,是激发学生个体潜能发挥的重要因素。  1关注学习兴趣,童趣评价  如识字教学《心里的世界》一课时,师:(课件出示隐去情境图的带拼音的词语)你最喜欢哪种景物或水果,挑一个拼给大家听。(生自由拼读后,一个个举起了小手。)师:(学生拼读后,教师适时插入评价语)瞧!你那么准确地说出果园这两个字,果园里的苹果高兴地出来跳舞给你看了!(点击后相关水果闪现)
【摘 要】 随着科技的迅猛发展,多媒体变得越来越为普及。作为学校——人才的重要输送地,对于多媒体的运用也显得相对重要和必须。多媒体有机融合了“声、光、电”的优势,相对于小学生的心理和特征来说,有利于小学语文的更好发展,提高小学语文教学的效率,为国家、为社会培养更多的优秀人才。  【关键词】 小学语文 多媒体   多媒体技术运用于语文课堂教学,可以成为语文教学活动的润滑剂。它是一种把声音、文本