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作为地球表层的一个物种,人类生存与发展始终以最大限度的资源与环境占有和获取为第一需求,即使进入现代时期,情况依然如此。实际上,随着社会财富和人口的快速增长,人地关系的稳定与协调始终是各国、特别是人口大国(>1亿人口)持续发展的首要任务和基本目标。自然禀赋(淡水、耕地、草场、森林、能源和矿产)与人文活动(人口、GDP和碳排放)的要素综合分析表明,尽管11个对象国的资源环境秉赋(本底)特征差异明显,但是在资源环境开发的极化效应作用下,各国现代化进程的国家人地关系均呈现出不同程度的紧张状态。一方面,随着资源环境开发规模和深度的不断扩大,国家财富积累与人口数量快速增长;另一方面,环境恶化和资源枯竭对各国乃至全球有限的资源基础支撑能力造成日益严峻的挑战。此方面,日本的国家人地关系演进最具说服力。 As a species on the surface of the earth, the survival and development of mankind has always been the first requirement of maximizing the possession and acquisition of resources and the environment, even in the modern era. In fact, with the rapid growth of social wealth and population, the stability and coordination of man-land relations has always been the primary task and the basic goal of the sustained development of all countries, especially the populous (> 100 million) population. A comprehensive analysis of the elements of natural endowments (freshwater, arable land, pastures, forests, energy and minerals) and human activities (population, GDP and carbon emissions) shows that although the characteristics of resource endowment (background) However, under the polarization effect of resources and environment development, the relations between people and state in the modernization of all countries have shown varying degrees of tension. On the one hand, with the continuous expansion of the scale and depth of resources and environment development, the country’s wealth accumulation and the rapid population growth; on the other hand, the deterioration of the environment and the depletion of resources have posed increasingly serious challenges to the limited resource base support capability of all countries and the world. In this regard, the evolution of the relationship between man and land in Japan is most persuasive.
2000年5月9日,由国家自然科学基金委员会主办的综合性学术月刊《自然科学进展》(中、英文版)第四届编委会在北京召开。 国家自然科学基金委员会(简称基金委)副主任朱作言院
对蚕豆萎蔫病毒2(BBWV2)分离物B935 RNA2全序列进行了测定,全长由3601个核苷酸组成(不包括3′端Poly(A))。RNA2包含一个长的开读框,该开读框起始于231位,终止于3428位,编码一