Saving Money

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  小男孩Joy想要给好朋友买一个生日礼物,但是他的零用钱不够,于是他决定攒钱。他该怎么做呢?他能够靠自己的努力攒够买礼物的钱吗?Let's read the story.
  Joy takes out his saving pot.
  He counts his saving money.
  There is 8 dollars in all.
  Joy wants to buy a presentfor his friend, Jolly.
  It is Jolly ' s ten-y ear-oldbirthday next week.
  oy goes to a toy store near his home.
  There are so many toys in the store.
  Joy is looking for a toy.
  "That toy train looks cool, " says Joy.
  "I want to buy the train for Jolly."
  But, Joy doesn ' t have enough money for the train.
  Joy has an idea.
  He decides to buy the train by himself.
  He can save money for the train.
  Joy tells his plan to his families.
  They all agree with him.
  Joy cleans wmdows for his grandma.
  Grandma gives him one dollar as the pay.
  Joy washes a car for his dad.
  Dad pays him two dollars for his work.
  Joy delivers flowers for his uncle.
  Uncle pays him one dollar.
  Joy washes dishes for his mother.
  Mother pays him one dollar.
  Joy helps his neighbour sweep leaves.
  Mr. Reddy pays him two dollars.
  At the end of the week, Joy has 15 dollars.
  He goes to the toy store and buys the toytrain.
  It is Jolly ' s ten-year-old birthday party.
  "This toy train is for you, " says Joy. "I save it for you by myself."
  "Thank you, Joy," says Jolly. "I am so proud of you."
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