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高新技术产业开发区的环境,是指保证开发区生存和发展,并使其正常运转的各种要素的总和。概括起来,大体可分为“硬环境”和“软环境”两个方面。“硬环境”是以物质形态表现出来的环境要素,是与开发区发展直接相关的物质条件,主要指自然地理环境和物质技术环境。前者包括气候条件、地质水文和地理位置;后者包括能源、交通、水电、通讯等基础设施和商业网点、住宅、医院、学校、娱乐等生活设施。“软环境”是以非物质形态表现出来的环境要素,主要有政治因素、文化背景、人口素质、经济政策、管理水平和经济发展状况以及市场条件等。“软环境”在更大程度上影响着高新技术产业开发区建设的水平。软硬环境是一个整体的两个方面,存在着相互依存发展的辩证关系。 The environment of the high-tech industrial development zone refers to the sum of the various elements that guarantee the survival and development of the development zone and make it function normally. To sum up, it can be roughly divided into two aspects: “hard environment” and “soft environment.” “Hard environment” is an environmental element that is manifested in the form of matter and is a material condition directly related to the development of the development zone. It mainly refers to the natural geographical environment and the material and technological environment. The former includes climatic conditions, geological hydrology and geographical location; the latter includes infrastructure facilities such as energy, transportation, hydropower, and communications, and commercial facilities, houses, hospitals, schools, and entertainment facilities. The “soft environment” is an environmental element that is embodied in non-material forms, mainly including political factors, cultural background, population quality, economic policies, management levels, economic development status, and market conditions. The “soft environment” influences the level of high-tech industrial development zones to a greater extent. The soft and hard environment is a whole of two aspects, and there is a dialectic relationship of interdependence and development.
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