1886年—1888年间,凡高在巴黎完成了28幅自画像。这些作品不仅是凡高绘画技巧日臻完善的证明,也是画家对其自身人格和创作风格长期思考的结果。 1886年,凡高在巴黎对着镜子画起了自己,那年他30岁。他是为了学习当时已经取得成功的印象派而到巴黎的。在那里,他赢得了前卫派中同辈们的承认,这使凡高受到了在荷兰所不曾有过的鼓舞。他结识了毕沙罗、洛特雷克、吉约曼、西涅克、修拉、埃米尔·贝尔纳、高更。他跟他们一样画风景、画蒙马特教堂、磨房和乡村。他也画肖像和静物。凡高的20余幅自画像是效法他唯一仰慕的伦勃朗画成的。对于画自己,凡高说,这样省得花钱请模特儿了。有人则说是因为凡高无法忍受模特儿,而模特儿们也巴不得离他远点儿。然而,这种轻浮的说法怎能解释得清一位伟大天才的行为呢?凡高画自己难道就是因为没什么可画吗?
Between 1886 and 1888, Van Gogh completed 28 self-portraits in Paris. These works are not only the proof of Van Gogh’s art of perfection but also the result of long-term thinking of his own personality and style of creation. In 1886, Van Gogh painted himself in the mirror in Paris, when he was 30 years old. He came to Paris to study the impressionists who had succeeded at that time. There, he won the recognition of his fellow avant-garde peers, which inspired Van Gogh to have had no inspiration in the Netherlands. He met Pissarro, Lottek, Jihoymen, Senec, Sora, Emil Bernard, Gauguin. He painted landscapes with them, painting Montmartre church, mill and village. He also painted portraits and still life. Van Gogh’s more than 20 self-portraits follow his example, Rembrandt painted. For painting himself, Van Gogh said, so save money to please the model. Some people say it is because Van Gogh can not stand the model, and models are anxious to stay away from him. However, this frivolous explanation of how to explain a great genius act it? Van Gogh painting itself is because nothing can be drawn?