At the recent 6th Shanghai Franchise Venture Show, “free to join ”, “offers to enjoy ”...... all kinds of attractive slogans mixed in the bustling crowd, very eye-catching. However, behind the excitement, many investment traps have begun to surface. Phenomenon 1: “The cost of a cup of coffee is only 1.98 yuan, but its price is as high as 15 yuan. Do you say there is no profit?” The staff of a cafe wanted to make the author believe that there are huge business opportunities. Accounts. She said that assuming that the cost of a cup of coffee is 2-3 yuan, it sells for 10-12 yuan and sells 50 cups a day, so there is a gross profit of 15,000 yuan per month. At the same time, the cafes can also operate a set menu. The cost of 8-10 yuan package is priced at 18-20 yuan, one day to sell 50