
来源 :档案学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyoukini
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我们在河北省军区党委、首长的领导和总参、北京军区业务部门的具体帮助指导下,认真贯彻执行《档案法》和《中国人民解放军档案工作条例》(以下简称《档案工作条例》),立足现有条件,着眼长远建设,坚持改革创新,注重基础建设,档案工作取得了明显的成绩。各级的群体档案意识进一步增强,档案工作纳入了规范化、制度化、法制化建设的轨道;档案材料收集齐全,整理规范,管理科学,档案基础质量较高;各项规章制度健全,设施配套,保管条件有了很大改善;声像档案管理试点初见成效。1986年被评为北京军区档案工作先进单位,并在我区召开了现场会。1990年在总参、北京军区组织的“七五”期间档案联合检查验收中,取得了北京军区档案工作第一名的好成绩,保密档案室一名助理员和两名兼职档案工作人员被评为北京军区档案工作先进个人,1991年1月被总参、总政评为全军档案工作先进单位,保密档案室主任毛庆标同志被评为全军先进档案工作者。今年上半年又被评为全国档案系统先进集体。我们的主要做法和体会是: We conscientiously implemented the “Archives Law” and the “Regulations of the People’s Liberation Army Archives Work” (hereinafter referred to as the “Archival Work Regulations”) based on the guidance and guidance of the leaders and chiefs of the party committees and heads of Hebei Military Region and the specific help and guidance of the Beijing Military Region Business Unit. The existing conditions, focus on long-term construction, adhere to the reform and innovation, focus on infrastructure, archives work has made remarkable achievements. The archives work has been incorporated into the track of standardization, institutionalization and legalization. The collection of archival materials has been completed, the regulations have been standardized, the management science has been put in place, and the archival quality has been high. Various rules and regulations have been well established, facilities have been provided, Storage conditions have been greatly improved; audio and video file management pilot initial success. In 1986 was named the archives of the Beijing Military Region advanced unit, and held a live meeting in our district. In 1990, during the joint file inspection and inspection of the Archives of the General Staff Department and the Beijing Military Region during the Seventh Five-Year Plan, the Beijing Military Region achieved the first place in archival work. One assistant and two part-time archivists in the confidential archives were awarded In January 1991, he was appraised as the advanced unit of archives work of the PLA by General Staff and General Political Department, and Comrade Mao Qingbiao, director of the confidential archives office, was awarded the advanced archives worker of the PLA. In the first half of this year, it has also been awarded the advanced collective of the national archives system. Our main practices and experiences are:
在国际形势继续发生深刻变化、我国改革发展进入关键阶段的重要时刻,党的十七届三中全会在北京胜利召开,胡锦涛总书记在会上作了重 At a crucial moment when the internati