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  Using robots in the workplace is nothing new, but one with a face? That might be. A new robot with some human 1)features was released Tuesday.
  A new 2)industrial robot that can work alongside people, a robotic co-worker of sorts, is set to be 3)unveiled today by Rethink Robotics. It’ll be more affordable, easier to train and safer for humans than traditional robots.
  Say “hello” to Baxter. Baxter is the newest product from Rethink Robotics, and the 4)culmination of more than $62 million in funding and five years of research and development. Baxter has a nine-foot 5)wingspan and comes with numerous safety features including the ability to shut off when it hits something it shouldn’t, and slowing down when sensing a human nearby. And at a retail price of only$22,000, PC Magazine says Baxter won’t be limited to working for a Fortune 500 company. Baxter is being 6)touted as an affordable option for mid-size and small companies, which have never been able to afford robots.


  In an interview with Forbes, Rethink Robotics’CEO Rodney Brooks says, “It’ll be a while before we confuse men and machine. Over the next 20 years no one is going to mistake a robot for a person, but nevertheless, we will interact and collaborate with robots, and they will become as commonplace in our lives as turning to a search engine is today.”
俄罗斯意味着什么?  美国一提到俄罗斯,就想到伏特加、西伯利亚的严寒、黑手党、共产主义灭亡和强大的冰球队。  墨西哥一说起俄罗斯就会联想到伏特加酒、社会主义、改革、俄罗斯民间舞蹈和西伯利亚。  英国一提起俄罗斯,就会想到卫星、改革、爱情、漂亮姑娘和套娃。  法国提起俄罗斯,则会想到寒冷、伏特加酒、社会治安差、车臣和核武器。  瑞典说到俄罗斯,会想到高科技、高文化、“库尔斯克”号核潜艇、俄罗斯黑手党
They’ve turned words into action. In Pre?ov in Slovakia, a group of young people are insisting on being heard. They have set up an alternative parliament and are mobilising young people into exercisin
三十六计走为上计?也许不对……你可听说跑得了初一跑不了十五?对,逃跑不是办法,要静下心来想办法才行。在生活中,你或多或少都会遇到一些可怕的人或事,要学会面对才是上上策啊。让我们来看看本文主人公是如何处理跟踪他的“怪物”的吧。                  Every time I visited my grandfather’s house I learned something new. I
份拯救生命的礼物外,他还能获得更多。  记者:她喜欢把头靠在他胸前,听他的心跳声。  噢,很好,很稳定。  记者:艾琳和他都很清楚,这心跳是意义非凡的,因为它成就了一份特殊的爱。  纳:我从不曾想过自己会如此深爱一个人。  我不知道如何用言语来描述这种感觉。你知道,就是一种联系。  记者:康纳·拉比诺维茨在17岁时是一个很出色的棒球捕手,已经被好几所甲级运动员学校录取了。然而,在2005年,他的人
Beauty and Beauty’s son and rosemary—  Venus and Love, her son, to speak plainly—  born of the sea supposedly,  at Christmas each, in company,  1)braids a 2)garland of 3)festivity.  Not always rosemar
When I look into your eyes  It’s like watching the night sky  Or a beautiful sunrise  There’s so much they hold  And just like them old stars  I see that you’ve come so far  To be right where you are 
The 1)peal of church bells rang out across medieval Britain. The Christian Church influenced almost every waking hour. From cradle to grave, it gave rhythm to your days, to your weeks, and to your yea
语音:美式发音 适合精听  语速:175词/分钟  关键词:terminally ill, wine, hospital  A hospital in central France is taking a nontraditional approach, in an effort to make the final days of terminally ill patients a little
莫斯科,一个让世人无法忽略的城市。不管是在沙皇时代、二战时期、冷战期间,还是在过去的二十年里,这座城市发生的一切都与世界有着扯不断的联系。  Moscow is a city steeped in history. From oniondomed churches to the architecture of the Kremlin, the buildings themselves speak