怎样写好考场作文呢? 一、开头要开门见山考场作文的开头,要让人一见心喜。好的开头,既给全文定了基调,又显示了考生迅速切题和精当表达的能力与水平。开头的方法数不胜数,最简单易行而又行之有效的方法是开门见山。开头一段话,就直截了当地用简明扼要的语句将主要人物、重要事件或者中心论点表达出来,给评卷教师以明晰而又深刻的印象。开头开得好,就等于成功了一半。考场作文开头的通病有三:一是复述材料,罗罗嗦嗦。不少考生写给材料作文,开头一段基本上是复述材料,读之味同嚼蜡。二是扯得太远,不着边际。三是千篇一律,缺乏新意。写《习惯》,不少考生的开头是写“某人有某个习惯”或“习惯成自然”,读得多了,就令人厌烦。有个考生的开头是这样写的:“小河静静地淌,小树轻轻地摇。宁静,慢条斯理,经历了千百个这样的春夏秋冬。我的家乡——一个偏僻的小村庄,还保持了它的老习
How to write a good composition of the examination room? First, the beginning of the opening to the beginning of the examination room essay, to make people at first glance. The good beginning not only set the tone for the full text, but also showed the candidate’s ability and level of rapid and accurate presentation. The number of methods at the beginning is numerous, and the easiest and most effective method is straightforward. At the beginning of the paragraph, the main characters, important events, or central arguments were expressed straightforwardly with concise and concise statements, giving clear and deep impressions to the ratings teachers. If you start well, you are half as successful. There are three common problems at the beginning of the examination essay: First, the retelling material, Luo Luoqi. Many candidates write to the material composition, the beginning of a paragraph is basically a retelling material, read the same flavor. The second is to drag too far, not the margin. The third is stereotyped and lacks new ideas. To write “Habits,” many candidates begin by writing “Someone has a certain habit” or “Habits become nature”. Reading more is annoying. One of the candidates started by saying, “The river quietly lingers, and the little tree gently shakes. Tranquility, slowness, and experience of thousands of such seasons. My hometown - a remote small village, Also maintained its old habits