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  If your kids are older, or you have a taste for such things yourself, perhaps you know that the grisly[恐怖的] horror film Saw Part III is the champ[冠军] of the box office. And, if you need convincing that at least some Americans
  are obsessed with[被迷住] scaring themselves, look no further than the new generation of haunted
  houses[鬼屋]. Definitely for adults only. Gigi Stone has a sign of the times[时代的征兆].
  Say goodbye to skinned grapes as eyeballs and spaghetti[意大利面] for brains. Haunted houses aren’t just for kids any more, as the fright[惊骇] business
  increasingly tries to figure out what really scares adults.
  Stuff: You think this is party, huh?
  Visitor A: My biggest fear? Er, rats.
  Visitor B: Definitely like a creepy[恐怖的] man, like outside my windows.
  Visitor C: White clowns. They have that happy face where you think like everything’s happy, but, deep down, there’s like something scary or suspicious[可疑的] about them.
  The new grown-up haunted houses use actual psychology[心理学] to exploit[开发] people’s innermost[内心的] phobias[恐惧症], like aquaphobia[惧水症] - fear of drowning, coulrophobia[小丑恐惧症] - fear of clowns, or domatophobia[居室恐惧症] - fear of being in a house alone.
  Visitor D: Help, help me...
  Theater director Timothy Haskell used psychological research to design his giant haunted houses in New York City. They attract tens of thousands of visitors.
  Haskell: I’m surprised at how elaborate[精细的] people’s fears were. I mean, we have some real simple one-word answers, or one- or two-word answers. And then, there were some that what I call the “story fears”, where they just go on and on and on, like they’ve been thinking about this all the time. And it’s like what their journeys are…
  Gigi: (laughs) Funny that you asked that question, because I have a litany[反复复述] of phobias to tell you about.
  Haskell: Oh, is that right? Ya...
  Visitors to Haskell’s House of Horrors shell out[支付]
  up to $50 a head for this terrifying experience, and some of them apparently think the whole thing is actually therapeutic[治疗疾病的].
  Visitor E: It’s something that runs through your blood, a blood that kinda gets, gets you going, you know, like raise you up.
  Why the real-life fear factor? Well, with horror everywhere, these days - in the movies, violent video games, and even the news - the houses, like this elaborate production in upstate New York, have to reach new heights to compete in a horror-soaked[浸湿] world.
  The haunted house makers only responded to the most popular fears. Some of the answers would’ve been a little more challenging to construct[建造]. Some people said, they were most afraid of politicians; others said, their mother-in-law.
  I’m Gigi Stone, for Nightline in New York.
  Stuff: Happy Halloween!
1)Private, First Class, Russ McGuiness was a skinny 19-year-old from a small town, who liked cars, poker and loud music. He grew up playing little league and going to church. His friends describe him
Head underwater  And you tell me  To breathe easy for a while  The breathing gets harder  Even I know that  Made room for me  It’s too soon to see  If I’m happy in your hands  I’m unusually hard to ho
I’ll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall,  To brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall.  On a canvas[画布] of joy outlasting[比……长久] the years,  With a soft brush of sweetness to dry all your t
If you’re not the one   Then why does my soul feel glad today?  If you’re not the one  Then why does my hand fit yours this way?  If you are not mine  Then why does your heart return my call?  If you
With a timid[羞怯的]   voice and idolizing[崇拜偶像]   eyes, the little boy greeted his father as he returned from work, “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”  Greatly surprised, but giving his boy a   glar
英国诗人罗伯特·布朗宁(1812-1889)和妻子伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁(1806-1861)是19世纪中叶英国诗坛的明星夫妇,他们传奇式的爱情故事一直被传为佳话。  1845年1月10日,在读完伊丽莎白·巴雷特的诗集之后,罗伯特·布朗宁第一次给她写信。当时的他只是一个名不见经传的33岁诗人和剧作家,而她已是一位知名诗人,但同时也是一名39岁的病弱者。“我全心全意地热爱你的诗句,亲爱的巴雷特小姐
世界上有很多电影节,但能像奥斯卡颁奖盛典这样受到全世界关注的屈指可数。每年这个时候,电影公司、制片人、明星都忙着为这一盛典做准备,各大媒体不断更新各奖项的预测,台下的观众们则迫不及待想看到柯达剧院红地毯上会出现哪些明星。在看典礼的同时,你又对奥斯卡有多少了解?不知道没关系,下面马上来看看一些奥斯卡之最吧!    The Oscars is one of the most prominent[显著的
There are lots of reasons why visitors keep coming back to Cyprus and why first timers are attracted to the island, too. Here are some of the best.    Feast on a Traditional Cypriot Meze[(地中海的)开胃小吃]  
他常年位居宝莱坞票房排名首位,是身兼演员、编剧、导演、制片、配乐、唱歌等多种才能的“全能王”。如果说《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)从外国人的视角向印度电影文化致敬,他主演的《三个白痴》(3 Idiots)则是原汁原味的宝莱坞风情和现代题材之间的完美结合,不但刷新了印度票房史,还通过网络传播开来,让全世界见识到这位“印度阿汤哥”的才华与魅力——寒假里不妨抽点时间出来看