少年英雄 罗斯·麦吉尼斯

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  1)Private, First Class, Russ McGuiness was a skinny 19-year-old from a small town, who liked cars, poker and loud music. He grew up playing little league and going to church. His friends describe him as a 2)prankster; his father, as just a regular boy. But Russ McGuiness did something extraordinary. He was in the gunner’s 3)hatch of a Humvee 4)on patrol in Bagdad, when an 5)insurgent threw a 6)grenade down the hatch into the vehicle.
  Soldier A: All of a sudden 7)Specialist McGuiness goes, “Hey, there’s a grenade.” And at the same time you hear the clinking on the roof.
  Soldier B: I could hear him like he was trying to 8)swat the grenade away.
  But the grenade was 9)lodged inside the Humvee behind the radio system and four soldiers were below McGuiness with no time to get out.
  Soldier B: He had plenty of time to jump out of the truck, you know. He saw it. He could have leaped out.
  Even though McGuiness was trained to jump out in case of danger, he did not.
  Soldier A: He jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio, as if it was like a seat, you know, just sits down on it.
  McGuiness absorbed the 10)explosion and was killed instantly, but he saved the four other soldiers.
  Soldier B: He’s a hero, for him to take the 11)brunt of the 12)blast.
  Soldier A: My family’s truly grateful for him, for all that he did for me, saving our lives in the truck.
  McGuiness has already been awarded the silver star, the third highest award for 13)valor. Now his 14)Company Commander has 15)nominated him for the medal of honour, the highest award for valor. In McGuiness’ tiny hometown of Knox, Pennsylvania, many say their local hero deserves it.
  Neighbour A: I asked his mother at the service, “How do you raise a son who can give his life for someone else?”
  Neighbour B: I don’t think it’s something that you can teach somebody. Just…it’s just there.
  Soldier B: I can’t imagine ever jumping on a grenade, ever. Like they don’t teach you that in the army. They teach you to jump out of the vehicle, no matter what.
  In a statement, his father says, “We, his parents, are in no hurry to have our son 16)bestowed with this medal. This is not why he gave his life. The lives of four men, who were his army brothers, 17)outweighed the value of his one life.”
  Soldier A: There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think about him. I love you, man, and I’m proud of you.
  Soldier B: We’ll see you on the other side, I guess.
  McGuiness’ father says the choice was simple; not easy, but simple. The right choice, he says, sometimes requires honour.

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