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前苏联首脑的绝密信 1970年,德国东部马格德堡市克劳森纳大街36号,数名苏联士兵在那里一块紧靠地下车库的空地上搭起一个帐篷,并在附近的小楼上设立了观察哨。4月4日夜深人静时,5名克格勃军官悄悄走进帐篷,开始挖地。直至5日凌晨,他们发现五个安放呈纵横交错状的木箱子。他们把箱子从地下起出,装上卡车运到一个离马德里堡市仅半小时车距的苏联工兵和坦克部队训练基地。在军营后不远的一个灌木林区,他们焚烧了几乎腐烂的木箱子和箱内的骸骨。 Top Secret Letter from the Former Soviet Union In 1970, at 36 Clausenstraße in Magdeburg, eastern Germany, several Soviet soldiers set up a tent there and a small tent in the nearby small building An observation post was set up. On the night of April 4, in deep silence, five KGB officers quietly entered the tent and began to dig. Until the early hours of the 5th, they found five wooden boxes in a crisscross pattern. They lifted the boxes out of the ground and loaded them onto a truck to a Soviet engineering and tank force training base just half an hour’s drive from the city of Forte. In a shrubbery not far behind the barracks, they burned almost decayed wooden boxes and bones inside the boxes.
The influence of mechanic motion on the decay rate of 32P was studied by means of liquid scintillation counting (LSC). The results indicate that, on the Norther
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The project of small angle neutron scattering spectrometer (SANS) belongs to “building up the center for neutron scattering”.It's one of the project “nationa