
来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stevenyhiker
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一、根据中央规定中等学校人民助学金的标准,重新规定本省中等学校学生人民助学金的设置名额和开支标准。二、设置原则:人民助学金的设置,应坚决贯彻向工农开门的方针。首先对革命烈属、革命军人、工人、农民、少数民族及生活困难的归国华侨的子女,予以照顾。在评审时,对工农子女应注意其家庭经济情况,同时又应适当结合学生本人的学业及操行来评定;对非工农家庭出身的学生,凡属品德、毕业兼优,而家庭经济又确有困难的,亦可酌予一定的助学金。使助学金对保证学生品德与学业的质量能起积极的作用。三、名额: 1. According to the standards of the people’s stipends granted by the Central People’s Government for secondary schools, the quotas and expenditure standards for the stipends for the students’ stipends for secondary schools in the province shall be stipulated. Second, set principles: The establishment of the people’s scholarship, we must resolutely implement the principle of opening to the workers and peasants. First, take care of the children of the returned overseas Chinese who are revolutionary martyrs, revolutionary soldiers, workers, peasants, ethnic minorities, and those who have difficulties in living. When assessing, the children of workers and peasants should pay attention to their family economic situation, and at the same time, they should be properly assessed according to their own studies and practices. For students of non-workers’ and peasants’ families, those who are of good character and graduates must have excellent qualities and the family economy must If it is difficult, you can also give a certain amount of grants. The bursary can play a positive role in ensuring the quality of students and the quality of their studies. Third, the quota:
(一) 白洋淀是华北地区大塑的天然湖泊之一,位于十河下梢(即南漾河、北瀑河、府河、萍河漕河、孝义河、唐河、沙河、磁河及白沟引河)流域总面积32200平方公里,行政上包括河
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同学们,当你解题感觉思维发乱的时候,不妨冷静下来试作张草图,或许这张草图就能帮你走出困境.例1 一块冰内有一小石块,放入盛有水的量筒内,正好悬浮于水中,此时量筒内的水面
题目如图1所示,A、B、C 三只相同的试管,用细绳栓住封闭端悬挂在天花板上,开口端插入水银槽中,试管内封有气体.三管静止时三根细绳的张力分别为 F_A,F_D、F_C,A 管内水银面