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  ( )1. Speak aloud, please!I canhear you.
  A. usually B. almost
  C. hardly D. nearly
  ( )2. —Who ranof all in the sports meeting?
  —Hector did, I think.
  A. fast B. faster
  C. the fastest D. more fast
  ( )3. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area asas possible.
  A. quickly B. quietly
  C. loudly D. slowly
  ( )4. Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course nota local speaker in China.
  A. so fluently as B. more fluent than
  C. as fluent as D. much fluently than
  ( )5. The baby is sleeping. Please speak .
  A. loudly B. clearly
  C. quietly D. politely
  ( )6. David was so excited at the good news that he couldsay a word.
  A. nearly B. hard
  C. ever D. hardly
  ( )7. There has never been such a beautiful village
   in the world.
  A. anywhere B. everywhere
  C. somewhere D. nowhere
  ( )8. —How do you like the talk show?
  —I think it’s , but some people think it’s so .
  A. wonderful enough; bored
  B. enough wonderful; boring
  C. wonderful enough; boring
  D. enough wonderful; bored
  ( )9. We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so
  A. quick B. quickly
  C. useful D. usefully
  ( )10. Could you please speak a little more ? I can’t follow you.
  A. quietly B. quickly
  C. loudly D. slowly
  ( )11. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends .
  A. as usual B. again and again
  C. sooner or later D. ever since
  ( )12. I carried the bowl with both hands , so that I wouldn’t break it.
  A. carefully B. happily
  C. quickly D. carelessly
  ( )13. We arrived at the station too early and had
   to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.
  A. somewhere B. anywhere
  C. everywhere D. nowhere
  ( )14. , the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field.
  A. As usual B. At first
  C. After all D. So far
  ( )15. It isthat Mr. Guo sailed across the world by himselfwithin about 130 days.
  A. terrified; successful
  B. scary; successfully
  C. amazing; successfully
  D. convincing; successful
  ( )16. —Dad. Would you please drive ?
  —No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off.
  A. faster B. more slowly
  C. more carefully D. more faster
  ( )17. —Excuse me, would you please speak a little more ?
  —Sorry, I thought you could follow me.
  A. sadly B. quickly
  C. slowly D. politely
  ( )18. —What should we do to reduce food waste?
  —In a restaurant only order asas we need and try to eat it up.
  A. much B. more
  C. most D. so much
  ( )19. Don’t talk . Your grandmother is sleeping now.
  A. loud B. hardly
  C. loudly D. hard
  ( )20. Iwatch this TV programme. It’s very interesting.
  A. often B. never
  C. hardly D. seldom
  ( )21. Be quick!The game will begin .
  A. immediately B. recently
  C. carefully D. luckily
  ( )22. The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around,in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists.
  A. especially B. generally
  C. probably D. only
  ( )23. —The meat isdelicious.
  —Yes, but don’t eat .
  A. too much; too much
  B. much too; too much
  C. too much; much too
  D. much too; much too
  ( )24. Liu Ying is good at singing. She singsthe famous singer, CoCo.
  A. as well as B. as good as
  C. as better as D. as the best as
  ( )25. —Sally, I went to the concert last night. How big the symphony hall is!
  —So it is. It isto hold more than one thousand people.
  A. big enough B. enough big
  C. too big D. too small
  ( )26. —Are you the last one to go to school today?
  — not. I’m always the first one.
  A. Certainly B. usually
  C. Generally D Finally
  ( )27. The dining hall isto hold 300 people.
  A. enough big B. enough well
  C. small enough D. big enough
  ( )28. —Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?
  —No. Ido that because it makes me uncomfortable.
  A. seldom B. often
  C. usually D. Sometimes
  ( )29. —The girls are talking about the art festival
  —Yes. They have so many fun things to share.
  A. easily B. angrily
  C. sadly D. happily
  ( )30. I don’t think fast food is good for our health, so Ieat it.
  A. usually B. hardly
  C. always D. often
  ( )31. What is it that has made himexcited?
  A. so B. very
  C. too D. quite
  ( )32. No one can singthan her.
  A. well B. good
  C. better D. best
  ( )33. The volunteer spoke asas she could to make the visitors understand her.
  A. clearly B. more clearly
  C. most clearly D. the most clearly
  ( )34. My old neighbor Charles feltafter his children moved out.
  A. lonely B. safely
  C. angrily D. happily
  ( )35. Ted was hard-working. His success made him work .
  A. harder B. hardest
  C. more quickly D. most quickly
  ( )36. She always does very well in the English exams. But she canunderstand English radio programs.
  A. always B. hardly
  C. already D. easily
  ( )37. We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sangamong the singers.
  A. good B. well
  C. better D. best
  ( )38.after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui, Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of firemen rushed to put out the fire.
  A. Sadly B. Softly
  C. Shortly D. Suddenly
  ( )39. On June 29, 2012, China’s Shenzhou-9 spacecraft landedat the main landing area in northern China’s Inner Mongolia (内蒙古).
  A. safe B. safely
  C. safety D. safer
  ( )40. My uncle lost his ID card yesterday morning.
  , a school boy found it and sent it back to him in the afternoon.
  A. Loudly B. Clearly
  C. Nearly D. Luckily
国际会议 用 页发展科技、促进生产、争取市场—一第ZI届欧洲固体器件会议纪要……………………………………唐国洪等(!x!)88真空微电于学的崛起—…………………
摘要 创造力也是反映个体在解决任务中有效的对原有知识经验进行加工、组合、创造新设想、新事物的能力。语文教学中,要创设有利于儿童创造力发展的环境。发展学生的求异思维,注意培养学生的创造性人格,以此培养学生的创造力。  关键词 创造力 环境 求异思维 创造性人格    一、创设有利于儿童创造力发展的环境    学生的创造力比智力受环境的影响更大。教师既是知识的传播者,又是学生创造性思维培养的实施者。现
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